As you start exploring Artlogic and familiarising yourself with the system, you will discover many function and features at your fingertips. This guide will introduce you to the core features and help you get started on your Artlogic journey.
Where to start
Start customising your new database system using the following steps:
1. Accessing your database
Example database URL: (encrypted and secure). Your unique URL is an encrypted form of connection that ensures your data is secure, like when using internet banking. You will have a unique account ID for your organisation, which is what replaces the XXX. This is often your organisation name, with no spaces. If you are not sure what you account ID is, please check with your account administrator, who will be able to share this with you.
Bookmark your account's URL address for easy access.
Change your password to something secure once you have logged in via the user icon to the far right of the menu bar. This is also where you can set up two-factor authentication (which will send a six-digit sequence to your phone each time you attempt to log in).
If you forget your password, follow our steps in Forgotten your password?
2. Manage your user(s)
Manage the users allowed access to your database.
Creating additional users (available for Gallery Management Professional and Expert plans and for Artlogic Pro accounts only)
3. Customise your system
To personalise your documents and invoice terms please consult the help notes below:
Introduction to your database template library
Setting up your document templates
Set up document templates for your invoices
4. Upload contacts
Import your contacts in bulk or create new contact records individually by clicking Contacts > New record
5. Upload artworks
Import your artworks in bulk or create new artwork records by clicking Artworks > Views > All > New record
6. Create Private Views
Click here to learn how to create a Private View link or to send a private view to your app.
7. Email setup
Before sending any emails from Artlogic, you will need to authenticate your email domains to ensure emails sent from Artlogic can be delivered smoothly:
Authenticating your email domains
Frequently used tools
Beyond this, we've gathered a list of the essential guides for each section of the system to get you started:
Get to know your artwork inventory, the status & availability, and how to assign stock numbers.
Artworks overview
Status & Availability
Stock numbers
Search & Update
Run complicated searches and select records in your inventory to perform bulk updates.
Search Filters & Advanced Search
Flagging records
Update Multiple
Lists & Reports
Create lists of artworks and generate reports and presentation documents with custom logos.
Artwork lists & Reports
Set up document templates
Create Advanced reports
Accounts & Invoices
Sell your artworks and generate invoices. The financial section may be more complicated than other sections, and we suggest watching our video tutorial in the help note Selling and invoicing your artwork which shows you how to sell and invoice artworks from start to finish.
Adding and editing artwork tax statuses
Selling and invoicing your artwork
Regenerating an invoice
Applying payments to an invoice
Create contact records in your system, group them by categories, interests, and activity levels, or simply add them to your Marketing and Events lists.
Contacts overview
Group your contacts
Marketing and Events lists
Email Tools
Craft emails in the system and create email campaigns for your contact records. Send personalised offer emails and record activity.
Create an email for a mailing campaign
Send a mailing campaign
Personalised emails
Display your inventory using the Artlogic app and seamlessly sync it with your management system.
Artlogic App - Getting Started
Logging in to the Artlogic app
Sharing artworks in the Artlogic app
Syncing contact records on the Artlogic App
Video introduction to the Database
Linked below, our Getting Started videos will walk through the essentials of your management
- An introduction to Artworks in your Management System
- An introduction to Contacts in your Management System
We also have insightful training webinars which are available to watch whenever suits you: Artlogic Webinars
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