The Modification history tool allows Admin users only to see most edits that have been made to individual records in your database.
What does Modification history do?
To undo changes that have been made to individual records in the database, you can use Modification history to identify the records and details that have been edited. This is useful, as it allows you to know what to change.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to quickly revert records to their previous state in the same way that you can undo deleted records. You will have to use the Modification history as a tool to see which changes you would like to keep and which to revert, before making these edits manually.
Where to find the Modification history
Go to: Other > Admin > Logs > Modification history > scroll through recent changes or perform a search.
Using the Modification history
Use the search tools (Table, User, Date, Record ID) to locate a specific change. The most recent changes will be listed first automatically.
Record IDs
To search for specific records quickly, it is useful to know your record's ID.
To find this:
Hold down the Command key (Mac) or Windows key (PC) whilst clicking your artwork or contact record's 'pencil edit' icon. This will open the record in a new tab.
When the page loads, the number that appears towards the end of the URL is the record's ID (we are working on making this easier to find). You can then take this number and use it in your modification history search tool.
Info: If you are uncertain about any of this, do get in touch with us at and we will do our best to help. We are able to revert 'update multiples' and your recently deleted records, not changes made to fields within individual records.
Info: if you are looking for a sale record, do check out the Accounts section of your database.
Finding Updated/Deleted Multiple Actions
To search for multiple actions in the modification history, you can use the available search function.
You can refine your search by using the Table (contacts, artworks, etc), the User, the Date and Record ID.
By clicking Search, you can view a log of all the records affected the Update Multiple function.
Revert Changes
To revert changes made to a specific record, click on the record and in the preview pane you are able to Request revert of this action. Clicking this button will trigger an automated notification to our Support team who will be in touch to confirm once the action has been reverted.
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