Use this page to learn the terms we use to describe your Artlogic database. This will help you understand more about your artworks, contacts, sales marketing tools, accounts and the settings of your database.
Useful terms
These terms are used to identify areas and features in your Artlogic database.
Account ID
Your account ID will have been set up by your account administrator upon joining Artlogic and will appear in your company's unique database URL:
If you have forgotten your account ID, get in touch with your account administrator or email us at letting us know your organisation.
For integrated clients: Your account ID is also used in your website CMS and will look like:
Admin/ administrator users
Admins/ administrators have access to the entirety of your database. They do not have any restrictions on their user account. This is the person/s responsible for managing your database. You can add/ change the permissions of your users if you are an admin user and your account is an Artlogic Pro plan.
Artist sort / Artist name 'Sort as' field
Your artists' Sort as field allows the system to organise your data and is especially important if you have an integrated website. See these guides for more information: Artist sort and
Beta (in development)
All of our new features will be tested thoroughly before they are officially launched. Part of this testing process often involves a preliminary release, where it is ready to be used by clients but is still undergoing testing or research. This stage is called 'Beta' and means further developmental work to the software is likely.
Bounce Management Tool
Enables users to disable invalid contact email addresses.
Browse screen
Below is an example Main Artwork browse screen. By clicking the 'Artworks' tab in the menu, you'll see the browse screen of all relevant records. From here, you can view and edit individual items, make advanced searches, search and flag records, make update multiples/delete multiples, create documents and many other functions. This layout is the same for your Contacts screen.
You can set a default and secondary monetary values in your database by going to Accounts > Value lists > Currencies. See also: Historic currency.
Your Artlogic database allows for inventory and contact management with CRM, marketing, a sales app, and accounting tools built-in.
You will be able to access it via your unique URL, which will look like this
Your Artlogic database allows users to export a wide variety of documents and reports.
The main areas that include document export functionality are:
- Artworks
- Contacts
- Accounts
- Activity timeline
- Market intelligence
- Sales pipeline
The main document types which can be downloaded are Word and Excel (so they remain editable by the user after download), and PDF where appropriate.
Document templates
Adding document templates to your site allows you to export information, from presentations to invoices with your custom header and footer and in the style you decide. See these guides for more: Document templates and Set up document templates for your invoices
A domain name is a form of internet address that’s most commonly used to identify websites and email addresses. An email domain is the part of an email address that comes after the @ symbol. For personal emails, it can be, or For company emails, it will look like,,
Editing records/ the edit screen
If you click the pencil edit button of a contact or artwork record you'll be able to see it's edit screen. It contains all the fields relating to that record, divided into sections.
Multiple records can also be opened in one edit screen.
Edition groups
Grouping your editions allows you to display multiple sizes of the same edition on your Artlogic website. This guide explains how to set this up.
Edition Record
A record representing an individual edition (e.g. print) of an artwork.
Edition Record (attached)
An edition record that inherits some of its data rom the edition data record.
Edition Record (detached)
An edition record that no longer inherits some of its data from the edition data record.
Edition Data Record
The main record holding the data for an artwork that is produced as an edition.
Custom Excel documents can also be created, allowing users to choose which fields to include in the spreadsheet.
- Artworks > Create > Export
- Contacts > Create > Export > Custom export
You can add your favourite artworks & artwork lists to your Artlogic home screen by clicking the pin icon on artworks or contact records.
Filter results
If you click into the search box while on the Browse screen, the Filters pane appears. These are secondary filters; they operate on the current list of records, selected via the 'View' menu.
Historic currency
Historic currencies are currencies that were used in previous financial transactions, invoices, or accounts, but are no longer in use (Deutsch Mark, French Franc, etc.). New records will not be able to use historic currencies when setting prices, but they will be displayed on any previous records that have this currency set.
Home screen
Your database home screen will display shortcuts to the various sections of your database, any updates from Artlogic, your calendar and your featured artwork lists or favourites.
Import tools
Bulk import your artworks, contacts and/or library/publication (see image below) data/images into your Artlogic database.
We use this term to describe clients who have an Artlogic Database connected to their Artlogic website.
There are three types of mailings in the Artlogic database:
- Mailing campaigns
Text emails
- Standard emails with text/attachments.
Offer emails
- Can attach artworks from the system.
- Recorded in the Sales Pipeline as offers.
Text emails and Offer emails can be created by the following routes:
- Contacts > Send emails/offers
- Artworks > Sell/offer/share
- Sales Pipeline > New offer > Send offer email
Email marketing campaigns > Compose/edit email
- Uses the mailing composition tool, which gives advanced formatting options and version control
- Cannot send offer emails
Mailing campaigns
Mailing campaigns allow users to send out newsletters or event invitations to either all contacts, a selected mailing list, or a group of contacts selected according to certain criteria (e.g. area of interest).
The process for creating a mailing campaign is:
- Create an email in the mailing composition tool (Email marketing campaigns > Compose/edit email)
- Optionally create a Marketing/Events list with a selection of contacts
- Go to Sales & marketing > Email marketing campaigns > Mailing campaigns > New record
- Email source - Select the email composed in step 1
- Email settings - Enter some other settings (e.g. subject, from address etc)
- Recipients - Select the marketing/events list created in step 2, or another group of contacts
- Send a test email - To see what recipients will receive.
- Send the mailing.
Multi-gallery accounts
An account with multiple galleries differs from single-gallery accounts in the following ways:
- Different preferences can be set for each gallery under Other > Admin > Preferences > Gallery preferences
- Invoices can be separated according to gallery: Accounts > Invoices
- Artworks can be separated according to gallery: Artwork edit screen > Collection (Gallery)
Narrative notes
Keep a series of timestamped notes relating to artworks/contacts. These can be found quickly by locating the 'speech bubble' icon in your artwork/contacts lists.
Paint brush icon
The paint brush icon appears next to an Artist's name in an Artwork record edit screen. This means the artwork is related to an Artist record in your database.
'Pencil edit' button
The pencil edit button appears when hovering over an editable record. By holding down the command button (Mac) or Control button (Windows) and pressing this button will open the edit screen in a new tab.
Permissions (user permissions)
You can add/ change the permissions of your users if you are an admin user and your account is an Artlogic Pro plan. By limiting what each user can access, admin users can have more control over the data in the database. These permissions are customisable and can be changed at a later date.
Preferences/ core preferences
Your Core preferences in Artlogic are here: Other > Admin > Preferences > Core preferences. These customisable settings give administrators various options to create a more individual setup to your organisation.
Core preferences - Apply to the entire account (unless overridden in Gallery Preferences).
Gallery preferences - If an account has multiple galleries, the settings for individual galleries are found here.
Preview Pane
For artwork and contact records, you are able to select the record once in the browse view to expand the individual record's preview pane. Here, you can make quick actions, downloads and see all affiliated records if it's an artwork edition.
Private Views
Private Views are a way for users to present a selection of artworks to their clients.
As well as these individual selections of works themselves being known as Private Views, the term 'Private Views' can refer to three main areas of the Artlogic ecosystem.
Private Views links
Artworks > Private Views > All
Private View links are webpages created from within the Database to present a group of artworks.
Here users can create selections of works within Artlogic Online. These can be either:
- Published online at a publicly accessible URL (e.g. so users can link their clients to a selection of works for viewing.
- Pushed to the Private Views iOS app (under Private Views edit screen > App synchronisation) so users can use the app to present to clients in person.
PrivateViews app
The Artlogic sales and presentation app. This is only available as part of our database package. It can be downloaded here.
An iOS app that receives selections of works from Artlogic. Works online and offline. Often used by clients to present work to customers at art fairs etc, where internet connections may not be so reliable.
Synchronisation settings: Artworks > Private Views > iPad/iPhone synchronisation
The app can showcase two types of Private Views:
- Automatic Private Views - Artist collections. Either all artists, or selected artists only.
- Manual/custom Private Views - Any selection of works, created under Artworks > Private Views.
Extra settings are available at Artwork edit screen > Share > PrivateViews iPad/iPhone synchronisation allows users to change their password and manage their user licences. Read how to reset your PrivateViews password here.
Records are the editable items in your database and most commonly the artwork and contact records that you are able to add/update/delete in your database.
Related records
Create a link between related artworks/contacts. (In contacts organisations/members can also be linked).
Searching/ search box
There are a number of ways to search through your records in the database. The most notable three are on the homepage, and in the Artworks and Contacts sections.
They look like this:
Homepage: A quick search function. Make searches like artist or contact name, artwork title or stock number
Artworks: Make advanced searches and filtered searches.
Contacts: Make advanced searches and filtered searches.
Tracking/ analytics for mailings
To find these tools: Email marketing campaigns > Email marketing campaigns > Email logs & analytics.
New tools for greater insights coming soon.
Update/delete multiple
Update or delete multiple records allow users to make changes to records in bulk. Read more here: Update Multiple
The address of a World Wide Web page, like
Users/ user roles
Other > Admin > Users
User Roles are set for each user account on the system. This range of settings offers fine-grained control over what users have access to in the system.
Value lists
Specify custom values to be used in the system (e.g. artwork categories, contact interests, accounting currencies and library and publications etc). These are viewable and editable under the menus: Artworks, Contacts, Accounts and, for Library and Publications, under Other.
Website integration
Users with Artlogic Websites can select works from Artlogic Online to display on their websites. Artwork data is fed to the website as a JSON feed (users can also opt to have a feed sent to their own non-Artlogic website).
Users select which artists/artworks to display on their website in various ways:
- Artworks edit screen > Share > Website
- Artworks > Value lists > Artwork categories
- Artworks > Value lists > Website filters
Works can be sorted for the website under Other > Website
See our Website Glossary here.
'Website' sharing tab (artwork records)
Integrated clients can manage which artworks are sent through to their website CMS from their database via the Artwork records in their database.
By opening an artwork record and clicking the Website tab, the website sharing tab will display all information relating to the artwork's appearance on your site. The 'Status' box is particularly useful to quickly see whether the piece in 'live', which section/s it appears on, and whether it is available to purchase online.
Word docs (for templates)
In Core/Gallery preferences, users can set generic or gallery-specific templates (including headers/footers and text styles) to be used on these documents.
Custom Word documents can be created as 'Advanced reports'. This allows users to select which fields to export (for each flagged record) and gives some formatting options.
- Artworks > Create > Documents, Reports & Exports > Documents & Reports > Advanced report
- Contacts > Create > Documents > Advanced report
Custom label documents can also be downloaded, allowing users to select from a range of 'Avery' presets or set custom measurements for their labels.
For Artworks and Locations (an Artworks value list), QR code labels can be generated as part of Artlogic's 'Stock management' feature.