The information in this article details how and where Admin users can undo deleted records.
Individually deleted records
The Deleted records log is sorted based on the most recently deleted record first.
- Go to Other > Admin > Logs > Deleted records.
- Search for your artist name, artwork title, etc.
- Select the View button if you need more information in order to confirm it's exactly the one you wish to restore.
- Select the Restore button once you are sure that this is the deleted record you want to restore.
You can search in the quick search box on the top right of the screen to narrow down your results. Examples of terms you can search for include:
- Artist name
- Artwork title
- Contact name
- Email address
- Private View title
- Artwork list title
Which records can be restored?
Here is a list of the records that can be restored using
Other > Admin > Logs > Deleted records:
- Accounts
- Activity levels
- Activity timeline
- Artists
- Artwork categories
- Artwork list types
- Artwork types
- Artworks
- Categories
- Category groups
- Companies
- Contacts
- Currencies
- Departments
- Financial presets
- Interest groups
- Interests
- Invoice terms
- Invoices
- Library and publications
- Locations
- Mailing campaigns
- Market intelligence
- Payment accounts
- Periods
- Publication categories
- Publication types
- Saved sundry items
- Tax codes
- Template library
- Users
Restoring Private View links
If you have restored a deleted private view and it is not appearing in your private view list screen, you must check your expired private views.
Navigate to Artworks > Private Views > All. Click the pencil edit icon and navigate to login/expiry in the setting pane. Click empty field to remove any expiry date. This will allow the Private View to be live.
Undo 'Delete multiple'
If you have deleted records using the Delete multiple tool, you will need our help to undo this action.
- Go to Other > Admin > Logs > Modification history and locate the log for this action.
- Click on the log to open the details panel on the right of your screen.
- Select the Request revert of this action button. This to notifies our support team of your request, who will be able to assist you in restoring your records.
- Wait for email confirmation from our support team confirming your records have been restored.