Follow the steps below to ensure your experience of the Artlogic App is as smooth as possible.
Since the new Artlogic App has been designed to give you a far more reliable experience, we are recommending that you switch to the new Artlogic App in advance of any upcoming fairs and events.
You can continue to have both the older Private Views app, and the new Artlogic App enabled on your devices at the same time, making the transition easier as you become accustomed to the new Artlogic App interface.
A few notes before starting...
- You'll need to be using an iPhone/iPad device running iOS16.4 or later
- We recommend keeping the old Private Views app installed - this means you can easily refer back to the old app, making the transition easier and giving you the best of both worlds.
- Content added using '' product is no longer used. If you have previously added collections and images here they will not synchronise with the new app. This content is now edited in your Artlogic Database directly (see below for more information).
- In order to automatically receive the latest fixes you'll need to enable Automatic Updates on your iOS device settings under App Store > App Updates. If this setting is not enabled fixes can be downloaded by updating your Artlogic App in the App Store. For more information on how to enable Automatic App Updates on iPhone and iPad, please refer to this Apple guide (scroll down to half way).
Getting setup
1. Downloading the app:
In the App Store, find the app called Artlogic - this should be the one with the black logo.
2. Logging-in:
You can now log in to the app with your Artlogic Database account details - you no longer need separate login details. You just need to ensure you have the right permissions to be able to access the app, this is either:
- If you have an Administrator role OR
- Have the 'Permit this user to login to the Artlogic App' role set
3. Managing app content:
Content is managed through the dedicated 'App' tab within your database.
If you do not see this tab, please get in touch.
Please note: Content added using the existing '' product is no longer used. If you have previously added collections and images here they will synchronise with the new app. This content is now edited in your Artlogic Database directly.
4. Feedback:
We welcome any feedback or issues you have with the app, we would love to hear about your experience. Please email us at or reach out if you would like to have a call with our team.