Artlogic App
Support articles for clients using the Artlogic iOS and iPad OS app.
- How to prepare your systems ahead of an art fair
- Differences between old Private Views app and Artlogic app
- Logging in to the Artlogic app
- An introduction to Collections in the Artlogic app
- Settings in the Artlogic app
- Sharing artworks in the Artlogic app
- Prints & editions in the Artlogic App
- Navigating and Searching in the Artlogic app
- Syncing contact records on Artlogic App
- Include Prices in Multiple Currencies in the Artlogic app
- Record offers from the Artlogic app in Sales Pipeline
- An introduction to PrivateViews (links and Artlogic app)
- How to resolve syncing issues with your Artlogic app