Prices can be displayed in multiple currencies from both Automatic Artist Private Views and Custom Private Views that have been synchronised to the Artlogic app.
Please note: this setting will only be available if you have the 'Multi currency for Artwork prices (beta)' feature available. Read the linked article or contact if you require additional information.
- Log into your Database and head to App > View Settings > Artwork Settings.
- Scroll down to Choose How Prices are Displayed.
- Tick 'Allow users to switch between currencies'.
Save your changes.
- Open the Artlogic app and wait for the automatic updates to complete.
- Navigate to a Private View with multi-currency artworks, and tap the three horizontal dots in the top right corner of the screen.
- Select Settings > Account > Currency to select from a list of your available currencies.
- From here, leave the Settings screen and check that your price has changed currency within your PrivateView.
Note: Artwork records with a Price Override Display price enabled will override all multiple currency prices in the Artlogic app.