Prices can be displayed in multiple currencies from both Automatic Artist Private Views and Custom Private Views that have been synchronized to the Artlogic app.
You will first need to enable currency options from Artwork settings:
- Log into your Database and head to App > View Settings > Artwork Settings.
- Scroll down to Choose How Prices are Displayed.
- Tick 'Allow users to switch between currencies'.
- Save your changes.
- Open the Artlogic app and wait for the automatic updates to complete.
- Navigate to a Private View with multi-currency artworks, and tap the three horizontal dots in the top right corner of the screen.
- Select Settings > Account > Currency to select from a list of your available currencies.
- From here, leave the Settings screen and check that your price has changed currency within your PrivateView.
Note: Artwork records with a Price Override Display price enabled will override all multiple currency prices in the Artlogic app.
For more information about Multiple Currency within Artlogic, follow the link below: