This guide will show you how to record and display multiple currencies for artworks in Documents, Private View Links, and the Artlogic app.
This Beta feature allows you to record and show the price of an artwork in additional currencies and gives the option to display a multi-currency menu for viewers to switch between in PrivateViews. Please let us know if you would be interested in testing this out. This functionality is currently available for databases, Private View Links, and the PrivateViews app. It does not yet synchronise with Artlogic websites.
This beta feature is only available to Artlogic Gallery Management Professional users.
Enable Multiple Currencies
Before recording or displaying artwork prices in multiple currencies, you will first need to create all required currencies as values in your Accounts section.
- Go to Database > Accounts > Value lists > Currencies.
- Begin typing in the required currency code to select it from the drop-down list.
- Save your changes.
Record Prices in Multiple Currencies
Next, set the relevant currencies within your artwork record. Each currency can be selected once within each record.
- Open an artwork record and navigate to the Financial tab.
- Check that the artwork has the correct tax status, currency and retail price.
- Scroll down and turn ON Add prices in multiple currencies.
- Select a currency, then enter the retail price along with the conversion rate and any notes/extras.
- Add a display price for tax exclusive and/or tax inclusive values, if you wish to display these prices across the database, documents, and PrivateViews.
- Repeat this for all necessary currencies.
- Save your record.
The Retail price fields, Conversion Rate, and Notes fields are for internal record-keeping purposes only. They will only appear in reports and within the artwork record. They will not appear in PrivateViews and cannot be automatically added to documents. Data added to the Display Price (ex. tax) and (inc. tax) fields will be pulled to display in relevant searches, exports, documents and PrivateViews.
Multiple Currency Features
Export Prices in Multiple Currencies to Excel
Prices with multiple currency values can be exported to excel by following the usual export steps. Within Documents, Reports & Exports, you will now find an option labelled Export multi-currency prices to Excel.
Search for Prices in Multiple Currencies with the Advanced Search Tool
Both specific currencies and specific prices per currency can be searched for with the Advanced Search Tool.
To search by specific currency, select Additional currencies as the advanced search parameter, and then tick your specific search conditions:
To search by a specific price per currency, select a currency specific parameter before entering your price condition:
Add Prices in Multiple Currencies to Artwork Labels
Prices can be added in multiple currencies to both A6 labels and custom labels.
A6 Labels
- In the relevant artwork preview panel, select Download > A6 Label
- Apply your label preferences as needed.
- Choose Retail Prices (ex. tax or inc. tax).
- Choose to show the artwork retail currency or specific currencies.
- Download.
Custom Labels
Flag your records.
Click on the top flag and select find flagged to receive your chosen records.
Select Create... from the lower action panel.
Select Create Custom Labels and apply your label preferences as needed.
Choose Retail Prices (ex. tax or inc. tax).
Choose to show the artwork retail currency or specific currencies.
Display Alternative Currencies in Offer Emails
When sending an offer email, you can now select to show artwork prices in either the artwork retail currency, or another specific currency.
- Follow these steps to create an offer email.
- Before sending the offer email, click into artwork display settings to select your price display options.
- Select Retail Prices (ex. tax/
- Select either to show prices in the artwork retail currency or pick a specific currency from those you have already added to the artwork record(s).
PrivateViews - Multiple Currency Features
Display Prices in Multiple Currencies in Private Views Links
PrivateViews links can show both the retail price currency, and a multi-currency menu for viewers to switch between available currencies. All required currencies must already be added to the multi-currency section of the artwork record.
- Create your PrivateView link and add your artworks.
- In the right hand edit panel, open the Artwork Settings section and enable show retail prices (ex./inc. tax).
- Select which primary currency you wish to show first.
- Enable Show Currency Menu and select all other currencies you wish to show. The primary currency is ticked by default.
- Scroll up and click on Visit Private View to preview the link and test the multi-currency menu.
The currency menu will display as a hamburger icon when viewing from a mobile device:
Where certain symbols, digits or text content have not been entered into the artwork record, these will not display in the PrivateView link. You will be alerted to any missing prices for currencies when creating the link.
For example, the artwork Untitled III has no content for any currency display prices (inc. tax):
So these values will pull through blank when viewing any additional currency (inc. tax):
To display prices in multiple currencies in the Artlogic app, follow the steps in our guide to enable multiple currency within the Artlogic app.
Sell Artworks in Different Currencies
To make a sale in an alternative currency, you have the choice to update the retail price of an individual artwork record, or change the currency from the invoice edit screen.
Steps to update the retail price of the item:
- Open the relevant artwork record and head to the financial tab.
- Add the current retail price to the retail price history to log this information.
- Click on the currency symbol for the current retail price, to receive a drop-down menu of all currency values stored in your database.
- Select the currency you require and update the retail price figure.
- Save.
To update an artwork's retail price and currency from the invoice edit screen, follow the steps in our guide to using different currencies when creating invoices.