This beta feature allows galleries to resell artworks they have previously sold from their inventory but have since reacquired on the secondary market. This option will duplicate an existing (but previously Sold) artwork record so that it can be offered/sold again. This guide will show you how to use the artwork resell option.
Who can use this feature?
To find out if this feature is included in your plan please visit this page or get in touch with our team on to request further information.
If you signed up to Artlogic before July 2023 you can visit this page to view our previous plans. Should you have further questions please contact our Support team on
How to enable
Get in touch with us if you often repurchase artworks in order to resell on the secondary market and you wish to use this feature.
Start using the 'Resell' feature
The process for this happens within the artwork's financial tab.
Info: This must be done on an individual basis (there is no update multiple option for this).
- Find and view the edit screen of the artwork you previously sold and have since repurchased. Navigate to Artworks > Views > All > search the original artwork record > click the artwork record's pencil edit icon.
- Navigate to the record's Financial tab.
- If the artwork's status is Sold, the system will automatically display a Resell button under the Status and availability options:
- Click Resell if you have reacquired the artwork either permanently or on consignment. This will bring up the following message:
- Once you are happy to proceed, click Ok to duplicate the artwork with the exact same details but excluding the previous sales details.
This new duplicated work will be connected to the original record, which will also be visible in the artwork's preview pane under Resold artworks and from within its Financial tab (see more below).
This duplicate will allow you to choose its new status and availability and will have empty Sales details meaning you can resell it and record any new sales transactions separately from the first record.- A section in the artwork's Financial tab will show all resold works under Client market:
And so will a section in the preview pane:
- A section in the artwork's Financial tab will show all resold works under Client market: