This powerful tool lets you track documentation and artwork history, log reports and automatically update artwork and contact records at the same time.
Who can use this feature?
To find out if this feature is included in your plan please visit this page or get in touch with our team on to request further information.
If you signed up to Artlogic before July 2023 you can visit this page to view our previous plans. Should you have further questions please contact our Support team on
What can I use this for?
You can use the Timeline feature with any of the following documents:
- Consignment note (out)
- Consignment note (in)
- Shipping invoice
- Loan form
- Artworks received report
Generating a document
To generate one of these documents and access the Timeline feature, navigate to Create... > Document/reports... from the Artworks screen.
Select the document you wish to generate.
Activating the switch in the top left-hand corner will present a description input and transform the Generate button in the lower right-hand corner into an Action button.
What does the 'action' button mean?
When clicking Action, there are three different types of action that you can perform:
Preview document
The system will download an example version of the document. This will not close the window or create an activity timeline item. -
Save shipping invoice
A draft Activity Timeline item will be created and the document will be downloaded. This will not update any details in the artwork records. -
Generate shipping invoice
A Generated Activity Timeline item will be created and the document downloaded. This option will also update any relevant details in any related artwork and contact records. You will be able to view the Timeline record in each of the related records. The document generated will then remain available for download within all the records involved.
Viewing records
If Save or Generate are chosen, then the following dialogue will be presented:
View/edit in Activity timeline
This will take you to the Activity Timeline records view, where you will be able to edit the Timeline record. -
View artworks and View contacts
These will take you to the relevant list screen displaying the artworks or contacts related to the Timeline.
If you wish to continue working on the document and activity timeline item after closing this dialogue, you can navigate to Artworks > Activity timeline from the main menu.
Editing the activity timeline
When editing an activity timeline item in Artworks > Activity timeline you may see an indicator in the top right-hand corner signifying that this is a draft record. Here, you can edit fields and add new artworks via the search input.
Timeline actions
Within the Action button, you will find the following options:
Preview document
This downloads the document as it is currently saved in the system. -
This updates both the document and the artwork and contact records with the most recently saved details. -
View modification history
View any changes made to the artworks from this Activity Timeline record. Note that unless the Timeline has been generated, no modification history will be displayed. -
This will mark the timeline item as void. You would use this, for example, when you want to maintain a record of a transaction that did not go through. -
This deletes the timeline record from the timeline, artwork, and contact. Note, however, that this does not reverse updates made to other fields in the database, such as location fields.
Who has access to the activity timeline?
Because the Timeline feature has the potential to update many records with few user actions, site admins are able to limit access for certain users.
You can find Activity Timeline-related settings in the Roles tab of each user record. A non-admin user on the system will be able to use these feature if the preferences below are enabled.
Watch our webinar detailing the main features of the activity timeline.