Link high resolution images to your artwork records
How it works
The add-on allows you to upload a high-resolution file to Artlogic Upload, an external storage space. You can then link the uploaded image to the artwork record, so you can download the file when needed. The add-on also allows you to link an external image URL to the artwork, which does not need to be from Artlogic Uploads.
Specs: This storage add-on allows for ai, bmp, psd, tif, tiff, mp3, mp4 file types.
Uploading to Artlogic Upload
The Hi gh-resolution image section will appear at the bottom of the image tab in Artwork records.
To upload an image to Artlogic Upload, click on the Add Files button. This will give you a pop-up to either add a file link or upload an image into the high-resolution storage. Click on Click here to choose a file... to upload an image file from your computer into Artlogic Upload.
Once you've chosen a file, click Upload and wait for the file to load. Click Done once the loading wheel disappears.
You'll then see the file under the High-resolution files item list, clicking the filename will download the file to your computer:
Clicking the foldout menu next to the item will allow you to copy the image link, or remove the item from the list.
Linking an image
You can also link an image by entering the URL into the Add file link field, and clicking ADD. The pop-up will not close automatically, click Done to close the window.
The linked item will appear in the file list:
Images that are added using a URL link will open a blank page upon clicking on the filename. To access the file, click on the drop-down arrow and select 'Copy link'. The copied link can then be accessed by pasting the link into a browser.
Artlogic Uploads
Here is a brief explanation on how to navigate your external Artlogic Uploads storage.
Items uploaded (not linked) from the High-resolution upload button will be saved in your Artlogic Uploads storage. You can access this by clicking the Artlogic Uploads button, or from Other > Documents & files > High-resolution storage.
Once in the Artlogic Upload, you will see a full list of all your uploaded files. The Copy link will trigger a popup with a URL link to the file, while Download will download the file to your computer. Ticking the Public check will make the URL public to the web.
If a file does not have the Public option ticked, the Copy link pop-up will give you an option to set the days for when the link will be available. Expired links will not be accessible.
Clicking on a item gives you several options, including deleting and renaming the file.