See your artworks to scale in a virtual gallery space using Private Views
By default, 'View on a wall' uses the main artwork image, and scales it according to the artwork width, as entered in the artwork record using the 'Calculate' function. However, an override width and/or image can also be added specifically for use with View on a Wall.
Who can use this feature?
To find out if this feature is included in your plan please visit this page or get in touch with our team on to request further information.
If you signed up to Artlogic before July 2023 you can visit this page to view our previous plans. Should you have further questions please contact our Support team on
Prepare your artwork settings
- Log into your Artlogic database > Artworks > find the artworks you wish to use.
- Click the pencil edit icon to open the artwork record you would like to activate 'View on a wall' for.
- In the Artwork tab, enter dimensions > click the 'Calculate' link below the field > ensure you 'Apply' your dimensions. This is essential for the 'View on a wall' feature.
Next, head to the Private Views tab in the artwork record and turn on the 'Enable View on a wall' toggle.
- Click 'Save'.
Optional: choose an overriding image and/or width
In some cases, you may wish to override the size of the main image and/or the image itself. This could be helpful if, for example, you wanted to show a work in a frame. If you specify an override width, the size of the entire image will be scaled proportionally.
- Click 'Edit ‘View on a wall’ overrides' button to the right of the toggle
You will be presented with the following options to add overrides:
- Click 'Save'.
Seeing 'View on a Wall' in action
- Go to a Private Views edit screen that you've made, which includes artworks that have 'View on a wall' enabled or create a new one.
- Open the shareable link to preview.
Artworks with 'View on a Wall' enabled will be marked with the following label:
Click on one of the works to view it in slideshow mode and select click on the 'View on a Wall' button: