This is a new tool to keep track of the statuses of your certificates of authenticity, providing a traceable record of its origin and ownership and delivery status.
This tool is currently in beta testing and is only available to Artlogic Pro clients or Management Expert plans. If you are interested in trying it out please contact us at
Using this tool will help you have greater visibility over your certificates of authenticity. It allows you to monitor their statuses and relevant tracking numbers, add notes or attach documents.
- Log in to your database > go to Artworks > locate your artwork > click the pencil edit icon > Other > scroll to Certificates of Authenticity.
- Select the appropriate Status (choose from: not required, requested, ready to send, sent, available).
- Add any tracking numbers, notes and/or documents (as required).
- Click Save.
Info: To make certificate management easier these fields will be available when using advanced search, filtering you results, update multiple and custom/advanced reports.
Change the certificate statuses
If the default statuses do not encompass your certificate of authenticity processes, it is possible to create your own.
To do this, go to Artworks > Value lists > Certificate of authenticity statuses > add your new value/s and click save.
Artworks View
You can also enable a Certificates of Authenticity Layout option for your artworks list screen.
Switch this on in your core preferences by going to Other > Admin > Preferences > Core preferences > Artworks > enable Certificate details layout on the list screen.
Notes for clients already using the earlier 'certificates tools'
Previous tools included a 'certificates' field that could be used for any type of certificate. In order to maintain the integrity of your data with the new tools, we have made the following consideration:
If you have already been using pre-existing fields such as certificates this information will remain in the previous field, but the label will change to additional certificates and it will be moved into a new section in the other tab labelled other documents.