How to edit this key feature in PrivateViews
This article explains why availability dots might not be displaying as expected in your Private Views.
(Manual) Private Views links
If your link isn’t showing red dots for sold artworks or yellow dots for reserved artworks, you will need to activate the Show availabilities checkbox in your PrivateViews settings.
- Go to Artworks > Private Views > All
- Click the pencil 'edit' button to the right of your chosen Private View.
- Select the Artwork Settings dropdown in the right-hand preview panel.
- Enable the 'Show availabilities' switch.
What enabling the 'Show availabilities' will display
This will display the same simplified information about an artwork's availability that is shown in the PrivateViews app:
- 'Reserved' artworks will have a yellow dot.
- 'Sold' artworks will have a red dot.
- 'Other' artworks will have a grey dot.
Save your settings again and select Visit Private View link to see that the dots now display.
Other > Admin > Preferences > Core preferences > Private Views screen.
(Automatic) PrivateViews app
You are able to edit the status and availability in your PrivateViews app by logging into your database and following the steps below. and going to Artworks > PrivateViews > iPhone/ iPad synchronisation.
- Go to Artworks > Private Views > iPhone/iPad synchronisation.
- Scroll down to the section titled More Info Settings.
- Switch on the 'Artlogic status and availability'.
Green available dots
Why green dots will not display
Green dots, which indicate an artwork is available for sale, will not automatically be shown in Private Views. This is because Private Views look best when the information presented to clients is as polished as possible.