How to create Private Views
There are two types of Private Views: Private Views links and the PrivateViews app. This guide will focus on Private View links but will also walk you through how your PrivateViews app works too.
Private Views links and the PrivateViews app
Private Views links
These are URL links to web pages that open in your clients' browsers. You can create these from the database ( using your choice of artworks. You can then use these links as sales presentations to send on to your clients in emails, offer emails, newsletters and/or text messages etc.
The URL links generated will be unique and unguessable and will look something like this:
PrivateViews app
Our app for iPads and iPhones is a wonderful tool that you can use to present available inventory on your mobile device. The app also works offline and this is a great tool for sales emails and is widely used at art fairs.
You can share your Private Views links to your PrivateViews app using the App synchronisation option in your Private View record's edit screen.
Create Private Views links
If you are an Admin user in your account, please make sure to visit Other > Admin > Preferences > Core preferences > Private Views and review the settings available to you.
For example, the name of your organisation will display at the top left of your Private Views link. This can be overridden via the Default gallery name (displayed in header) field.
Info: When creating a Private View link, you may need to click Save before a URL is generated, which you can then share with your clients. The Save link will appear at the top of your control panel, below the title of your Private View.
There are two ways to create a Private View record in your Artlogic Database:
Option 1
- Go to Artworks > Flag records > Find flagged > Select Create... > Create a Private View.
Title your new Private View record and select a sort option.
- Select to either:
- Visit the edit screen for the new Private View in a new window.
- Visit the Private Views list screen in the opening window.
Option 2
- Create your Private View record first by going to Artworks > Private Views > All.
- Select New record.
- Add a title and your chosen artwork records.
- Select Continue.
- To further customise your Private view, see the guidance below.
Customise your Private View link
Add Artworks and Installation views
Click the 'Add items' button to add Installation views (records of an artist's exhibition/s found by going Artworks > Views > Installation views) to your Private View.
Remove items
To remove items, check the tick boxes of the items you wish to clear and click 'Remove selected items from the drop down menu.
Artwork settings
Use this section to determine whether your Private View should show Availabilities dots (simplified to red, yellow, and grey) and additional descriptive and financial information.
Items to show
Additional information, for example, Provenance or Literature, will only display if there is data entered into those fields in the Artwork record's 'Provenance/Exhibitions...' tab.
Use this section to determine what pricing information to display. Artworks on the Margin scheme will display the Selling price regardless of the 'Prices' setting.
Price labels
Automatic: This option will use the labels applied to the specific tax status of your individual Artwork record/s (found in your artwork record's 'Financial' tab).
To customise these labels, please go to your tax statuses (Accounts > Value lists > Tax statuses) to edit these. - Custom: This label will apply to all the artworks in your Private View.
Custom text for ex-inventory or unavailable works e.g 'Sold'
- This option allows you to control how these artworks are advertised to your recipients and is fully customisable.
- Use Other > Admin > Preferences > Core preferences > Private Views > Status and Availability to determine what is considered 'unavailable' in your database.
Show framing/extras pricing
This option will display the information entered into the 'Financial' tab of your Artwork record.
Header image/Background
This section allows you to add an introductory header at the top of your Private View, using the Title as a Heading and allowing for an additional Subheading.
- Add an image or a colour for the Heading and Subheading background.
- If you’ve used an image, use the Set focalpoint feature to specify which area in your image is prioritised.
- Customise your Heading and Subheading text colour to work best with your choice of background.
This section allows you to further customise how your Private View looks.
Dark theme
Toggle Dark theme on and off to see how the theme changes the look of your Private View.
- Adjust the columns of the grid to complement your artworks
- Activate Display images as tiles for a more visually effective display.
- If you have displayed images as tiles, you can choose to Display captions as image overlay for a more minimal layout.
- Caption overlay theme gives you the option to have a white or black overlay.
- If you have displayed images as tiles, you can choose to Display captions as image overlay for a more minimal layout.
Secondary images
- Selecting this option will display an item's secondary images on the initial grid view of the Private View as additional items 'Image 1/2', 'Image 2/2' etc.
- De-selecting this will isolate the secondary images to only display when you click on the item to view further details.
Artwork secondary images will only display if 'Include all images when publishing Private Views and creating reports' is activated in the Artwork record’s ’Images’ tab.
Installation views
If you'd like to always display secondary Installation views images on the initial grid view, please navigate to Other > Admin > Preferences > Core preferences > Private Views and select Automatically select to 'Show secondary installation view images as additional items on the grid view
Website sharing
If you are using a Version 1.0 theme or on a Gallery 500 plan you will need to upgrade your website or change your plan.
To read our guide on uploading documents, click here.
Social media sharing
This feature will allow your recipients to share this Private View on their Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest accounts.
Use this section to add a level of security to the Private View and to ensure that it can't be accessed after a certain date.
PrivateViews App
The iPad/iPhone Synchronisation feature (Artworks > Private Views > iPad/iPhone Synchronisation) allows you to share your Private View links to your PrivateViews app.
The PrivateViews iPhone and iPad app is a free download from Apple's App Store (currently not available on Android devices) and allows you to share your Private Views with your collectors.
The contents of your Private View links will respect the settings on the iPad/iPhone Synchronisation settings. This includes what artwork-specific information is displayed and information like the price display settings.
Automatic Private Views
In the iPad/iPhone Synchronisation settings, you are able to generate automatically created Private Views of your artists.
You can:
- Create automatic Private Views for SELECTED artists
- Create automatic Private Views for ALL artists
- Don't create automatic Private Views by artist
Login to your app
Firstly, it's useful to know the distinction between the two different types of PrivateViews login types:
Standard login: All clients without the latest Sales Pipeline and/or any users without a Sales Pipeline licence, will need to use the standard PrivateViews login. In this case, your PrivateViews app username and password are different from your individual Artlogic Database login details and are universal for your whole company.
Struggling to login?
- Sales Pipeline login: Any users with the latest version of Sales Pipeline and with a Sales Pipeline licence will also be able to use the 'Artlogic Database Login' option, when first logging into the app. In order for someone to access the Sales Pipeline options available in the PrivateViews app, the user must have a Sales Pipeline licence.