When to reset your PrivateViews app password.
If you can't login to your PrivateViews app, it is likely to be caused by two things: failed password attempts, or you have reached the maximum number of devices registered to your PrivateViews app account.
Locked out of your account?
For security reasons, we lock accounts if there have been 5 or more consecutive failed password attempts.
How long will my account be locked for?
If you have failed to log in to your PrivateViews app 5 times in a row, your account will be automatically locked for 5 minutes.
We are working on better ways for our clients to manage and understand their PrivateViews login attempts as this is not currently displayed.
Wait for your login restriction to expire.
Once you have waited for five minutes you can reset your PrivateViews app password.
Too many devices registered
Are you able to access the app in some devices but not others?
You may have reached your maximum allowance of registered devices in your PrivateViews app account. Usually, this causes a 'Session expired' or 'deauthorised' notification.
Take a look at this guide: Unable to access PrivateViews on one of your devices?
Reset your password
If you are unsure of your password or unable to login, reset your password, using the steps below.
Your username is your Artlogic account name: app.artlogic.net/'youraccountname'/
- Reset your password here: https://privateviews.com/login/recover/
- Follow the link above and type in your PrivateViews account ID into the section, 'Username / Account name'. Your account ID is what follows your Artlogic database URL, eg: app.artlogic.net/accoutID.
- Click Send email and you'll receive a password reset link to your account email address. Follow this link to reset your password.
Not receiving your reset link?
If you are unsure of your account email or you are not receiving an email within 15 minutes of requesting your reset link, we'd recommend double-checking that it has not been caught by your spam filter. If this does not solve the issue please get in touch with support@artlogic.net.
More information
Are you experiencing problems with your app?
Are you experiencing problems with your app? will help you to recognise where your issue might be occurring - whether this is a problem that Artlogic can solve and/ or whether this is a hardware, network or IT issue.
How to force the PrivateViews app to re-synchronise
If your iPad has encountered difficulties updating locally, the steps in this guide will help you to address the issue: How to force the PrivateViews app to re-synchronise