This guide explains how to download a document containing your item's consignment information and, how to automatically log this in your activity timeline for further tracking possibilities.
Ways of exporting your consigned out and consigned in artworks
There are a few ways to export information on your consigned out and consigned in artworks.
You have the options to:
- Generate a consignment/Loan document/report.
- Perform a simple export action.
- Create an advanced report.
1. Consignment/Loan document/report
To generate consignment documents (and to have these documents update your Activity timeline as well as the artwork record's consignment information in its financial field), follow these steps:
1. Create... > Document/reports from the Artworks screen.
2. Select the document you wish to generate.
3. If the Save document and record shipment switch is off you will be able to download the form only. The system will not log this information in the Activity timeline and the record's financial fields will not change. Customise your settings and click Download to complete this process.
However, to track this consignment in your Activity timeline, turn on the Save document and record shipment switch.
Turning this on will present a description input and this will save the document, create an Activity timeline record and once generated will update the artwork's consignment details in the record's Financial fields.
4. Turning this on will also transform the Download button in the lower right-hand corner into an Action button. Click Action to preview, save as a draft, or generate your report. Generating the document is a complex procedure for the system, so it can be difficult to revert, especially if you have multiple artworks. Do be sure to double check your report before continuing.
5. When you have generated your report, you'll be able to view/edit the items in your Activity timeline, or view the artworks or contacts included.
6. Next, download and manage this consignment report and others in your Activity timeline.
2. Simple export
You are able to create a regular export document by flagging and finding your artwork records and then click Create > Export. This will open a tab containing all your artwork records information in an Excel spreadsheet format.
The spreadsheet contains these details:
- Consigned by
- Consignor is the artist
- Consigned from date
- Consigned to date
- Consigned by percentage to gallery
- Consigned by net value
- Consigned by calculate from net
- Consignment notes
- Consignment returned
- Consignment invoice status
If you wish, you are also able to select and export the columns you would like to see, rather than every column.
3. Advanced report
Advanced reports are a great way to customise your consignment document if you have specific requirements for your report that are not readily achievable through the dedicated Consignment report builder.
To make a consignment report from an advanced report, follow these steps:
- Flag and find your artwork records.
- Click Create > Documents/reports > Advanced reports
- Click the pencil edit button > Add field > search for the consignment information you require.