This article will show you how to create and generate condition reports from your artwork record using the advanced reporting tool.
How to create a Condition Report
- Before creating your condition report, you need to find your chosen artwork records: you can do this by using the following flow. search, advanced search, or flag and find the artwork records you want to include.
- Once you have found all records you wish to create a report for, go to Create> Document/Reports at the bottom of the screen
- From here you can click on advanced reports to open up your edit screen.
Data is pulled from the following fields: Condition Overview Notes, Condition Report Status - Not Required / Requested / Available, Condition Images (only available with the Condition Fields Beta tool)
Works without data in these fields will remain blank within your report- Using the Edit button (Pencil Tool) > Add Field
- From here you can begin to add the relevant fields into your condition report. To split the condition report into separate columns, use the Add Column function.
From here you can use the Preview tool to ensure the report appears as desires.
Saving Your Condition Report Template
Once your condition report has been outlined you can use the ‘Save Report As’ function to save the report template to be used for future use. Advanced report templates can be saved as Global (available to everyone) or Private (available for only your use).
Downloading your report
You can download your condition report by using the ‘Download Report’ button located at the bottom left corner of your screen. Please note, reports downloaded from this part of the system are limited to 250 artworks per section.
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