Step 6
Why have a Store page?
A dedicated Store page can help guide visitors to purchase items. You can also rename your store page to another name.
However, you can sell items directly from the Artists, Artworks and Publications pages, from your own custom pages through feature panels and/or artwork grids, and/or from viewing rooms.
There are different processes for integrated websites and standalone websites to create your store page, this article will cover both.
I would like a Store page
Enable your Store page
Go to Pages > Store > Visibility > select Enabled on website.
Displaying your Store on your website's navigation
Go to Pages > open your Store page and select/deselect Show on navigation in the Visibility pane
Rename your Store page
Click once on the Store page and rename it using:
- Label (on navigation): Which will display at the top of your website.
- Heading (on page): Which will display at the top of the page.
I do not want a Store page
Sell items directly from the Artists page, the Artworks page, the Publications page, from your own custom pages through feature panels or artwork grids, or from viewing rooms.
Follow the instructions below, and note that some of the steps or checkboxes will be specific to the Store page. See these links to see what defines an Integrated and Standalone account.
Integrated websites
Because you have an Artlogic Database all Artwork records are managed through the database. Though further customisation in your website CMS will be required. See steps below for details.
1. Decide which availabilities allow artworks to be purchased in
Other > Admin > Preferences > Core preferences > General:
2. Confirm the following in each Artwork record > Financial tab:
- The Status & availability match your selection in step 1.
- A Tax status has been entered and the tax rate applied.
- The Retail currency matches the store currency in your website CMS (The currency selected in an artwork record must match the store currency in order to be available for sale online. You can enable currency conversion below so that customers can view and purchase on their preferred currency). To set your store currency go to Online Sales > Currency settings > Store currency and customise your preferences.
- A Retail price has been entered.
3. Select the following in each Artwork record > Website tab to enable online sales:
If these settings aren't present in your Artlogic Database, please contact Support.

4. If you have a Store page, activate one or both of these settings:
- Show in Store section: Display your artwork on the Store page.
- Featured in Store section: Float your artwork to the top of your Store page and display it larger. We recommend selecting only a handful of 'Featured works', selecting lots will mean you'll have lots of large floated items on your website.
Customising Tax rate
- Log into your website CMS > Online Sales > Tax settings.
- Go back to step 4 to read more about customising your sales settings.
- You'll see here that the artwork tax rate is set by the tax rate in each Artlogic Database artwork record. You are able to customise how each label displays and you are also able to 'Include tax in listed price'. Enable this to display full price including tax within product details. If this is not enabled, the price will be listed excluding tax and will only get added in the checkout process.
Standalone websites
Manage your settings in each Artwork record.
1. Select the following in Records > Artwork record to enable online sales:
This can be relabelled in Settings > Sections > Artworks > Artwork enquiries > Enquire button label.
- Check the artwork's Availability setting is 'Available'.
- Check that the Retail currency matches the store currency on the website.
- Enter a Retail price.
- Select Show price on website.
- Activate Enable online sales.
2. Select to display the artwork on your Store page and or Artist/Artworks page.
- Show on Store page: Display your artwork on the Store page.
- Feature on Store page: Float your artwork to the top of your Store page and make it display larger.
Other records
1. Complete the Book formats table and the Store options to enable online sales:
- Format
- Price
- For sale
- Weight
- Retail currency
- Enable 'Buy now' button
- Available for sale
- Your retail price should be located in the Price field.
- Sale price is used in the occasion that you're offering a discounted price on that publication.
- Any weights left blank will revert to the default shipping weight, which is 200g.
- Check that the Retail currency matches the store currency on the website.
2. Select to 'feature' the publication at the top of the page.
- Featured on lists: Float your publication to the top of your Store page and your Publications page, and make it display larger.
1. Go to Online Sales > Products to add a new item.
2. Complete the Price options to enable online sales:
They do not have their own dedicated page and cannot be added to Feature panels.
- Select Available for sale.
- Check that the Retail currency matches the store currency on the website.
- Enter a Retail price.
3. Select to 'feature' the product at the top of the page.
- Featured on lists: Float your product to the top of your Store page and make it display larger.