You now have the option to change your default Store Menu by creating additional sections in the store sub-navigation and also renaming the existing ones.
Enable the custom menu
The default store menu will include Products, Prints and Editions and Artworks. Follow these steps to adjust the defaults:
- Login to your CMS
- Go to Settings > Settings > Sections > Store
- Enable the Enable custom navigation menu option
Customise the default Store menu
- In Settings > Settings > Sections > Store, scroll down to see the main sections that are already available for the store under the Available links section.
- In case you would just like to rename the Available links, copy the links to the custom navigation menu and add new labels:
Create additional sections
- If you would also like to create new sections for the Store, you you should start by Creating artwork categories for the Store. Please find further information on how to do this on the following Integrated or Standalone links, depending on the type of product you have.
- When creating the artwork categories, leave the option to Exclude from Store blank.
- Add artworks to the categories and make sure they are public (if you are an Integrated client).
- Go to Settings > Sections > Store and enable the Enable artwork category filters option.
- Click Save and check if the categories are under the available links section:
- You are now able to copy the category links to the custom menu and add their labels:
How it will appear
Make sure that you check how the Store menu looks and if you would like to reorder the different Store sections or make any other changes.