Importance ratings provide an additional way to sort and search through records in your Artlogic database.
Info: Non-admin users can assign importance ratings if this action is ticked in their user permissions.
Why use Importance ratings?
This is entirely up to you and your team.
Generally, 5 stars will imply an item has higher importance, but as this tool allows for internal categorisation it is flexible to your needs. You may wish to assign a rating of 5 stars to artworks that are receiving lots of interest or include lots of information.
Similarly, importance ratings could more broadly categorise your contacts and their value to your team, beyond their Activity Levels or the Categories their professions fall into.
Importance ratings can also offer an immediate visual cue for users browsing lists of artworks or contacts. The importance rating can be seen from all views and layouts (bar the artworks 'Images' layout) and from each item's preview pane.
How to assign Importance ratings
Ratings can be assigned to artwork and contact records by all admin users, and non-admin users who have this enabled in their user permissions.
To do this, hover over a record in a view and click on the star icon to select the number of stars they wish to apply.
Users can also update the rating of multiple records at once by using the Update Multiple tool.
Hide Importance Ratings
Should you need to hide importance ratings and other sensitive information from your screen, you can do so by enabling Safe Mode.
This can be toggled on from the switch in the lower right corner of your Contact or Artwork views, or simply by hitting 'H' on your keypad.
Import records with Importance Ratings
Importance ratings can be imported alongside both artwork and contact data. In the 'Importance Rating' column, give a numerical value between 0 - 5 to assign a rating to each record.
You can read more on Contact Imports here and Artwork Imports here.
Note: Importance ratings will not import correctly if letters or special characters are added here.
Sort and Search by Importance Rating
Artwork and Contact records can be sorted, searched and filtered by their importance.
Users can sort by importance by selecting SORT: IMPORTANCE from both artwork and contact views:
Use the Advanced Search tool to search by a specific importance rating:
Importance ratings can also be added to a user's filter panel:
Allow users to assign Importance Ratings
Admin users can enable other users to assign and update importance ratings by changing their user permissions.
- Go to Other > Admin > Users.
- Open the relevant user record.
- Click into the Permissions/Roles tab.
- Scroll down to the Artworks section and tick 'Allow this user to change the Artwork Importance'
- Scroll down to the Contacts section and tick 'Allow this user to change the Contact Importance'
- Save.
If you notice that the importance rating of artwork or contact records has vanished from your view, you may have accidentally enabled Safe Mode by hitting the 'H' key. Simply hit 'H' again on your keyboard, or navigate to the toggle in your database to disable this.