Exhibitions records can contain videos, press releases, installation views, and can be linked to participating artist pages, publications, news and events. This guide will show you how to create an exhibition record and add artworks to it.
How to make an Exhibition record
Info: All website Exhibition records are created in your website CMS. This is true regardless of whether you have an integrated website and database or a standalone website.
- In your CMS, navigate to Records > Exhibitions > All exhibitions > select New record to get started.
- Enter the exhibition's information in the Title, Subtitle, Overview and other fields.
You won't need to remember to de-select this checkbox once the exhibition has ended.
Adding artworks
Once you have saved the Exhibition record you can start adding Artwork records.
- Choose the Select artworks option to add artwork records
- Choose the Upload images option to add Artwork records that you do not want to be recorded in your database (integrated clients) or CMS (standalone clients).
Adding Representative Images
By default, the artwork with the Main tickbox selected will display on the Homepage, Exhibitions page and in the Overview section for that record. You can, however, override this.
Home page image: This will override the Main artwork, and display on your Homepage slideshow.
- List image: This will override the Main artwork, and display on your Exhibitions page list view.
- Overview image: This will override the Main artwork, and display on your Overview page within the exhibition.
Adding Embedded Videos
- Firstly, ensure you have enabled the Video module in Settings > Settings > Exhibitions > Exhibition Detail > enable Video.
Copy the embed code from your Vimeo or Youtube account (you do not need to use Vimeo or Youtube but you do have to have access to an embed code for the video in question) into the Video section.
- Video will now display in a tab called Video within the Exhibition record.
Info: You can also add videos to any area of any page or record where you see an Embed code icon. To find out more, read our guides to How to add videos to your site, Embed Videos and creating all other records (Events, Press, Video, News).