How to embed videos into a page or on your Homepage, and troubleshooting Vimeo embeds.
Records with dedicated video embed sections
Records such as Artists, Blog, Events, Exhibitions and Video have their own dedicated video embed sections.
To embed a video:
- Copy your embed code from Youtube or Vimeo.
- Paste your embed code into the Video embed code field.
- This video will displayer in the Video module in the relevant page after selecting Save.
- Click on the Edit pencil icon of the page you would like to add a video to.
- Select Create New Panel under the Feature Panels section.
- Select Video Full Width as your panel type.
Pages without a 'Video embed code' field
For pages without a 'dedicated Video Embed Code' field, please select the tool indicated below, paste your embed code and select Embed.
Prefer a video on your Homepage?
Artlogic websites allow you to replace your slideshow with a video. We recommend videos which do not contain sound, such as that on
1. Host your video on a Vimeo Pro/Business/Premium account, and copy the mp4 link applicable.
2. In your CMS navigate to Settings > Sections > Homepage and select 'Fullscreen video' as your 'Slideshow type':
3. Paste your mp4 link into 'Homepage video filepath (MP4)'.
4. Upload an image to 'Homepage video fallback image'. This will display on mobile devices in place of the video. This is ideally a high resolution image of the first frame of your video, as the fallback image will load prior to the video when on slow connections.
Please note that browsers are becoming more and more strict with video autoplay
Chrome's autoplay policies are simple:
Muted autoplay is always allowed.
Autoplay with sound is allowed if:
1. User has interacted with the domain (click, tap, etc.).
2. On desktop, the user's Media Engagement Index threshold has been crossed, meaning the user has previously play video with sound.
3. On mobile, the user has [added the site to their home screen].