This guide will help you understand image resolution, image sizes and colour inconsistencies in your Artlogic website.
Size and resolution of images
DPI or PPI doesn’t matter if it’s just for viewing on a screen.
Rather, look at the pixel dimensions of the image and make sure that the width of the image is between 1600 and 3200 pixels.
Our websites automatically generate images at any size required - as long as the original is large enough begin with. However, if the images are extremely large they may take a longer time to upload.
Images should be at least large enough to fill the space they are to be shown on the website when viewed at full size.
Ideally, for modern retina devices, you should upload an image that is twice the height and width of the intended usage. File-size is less important - as long as the image has large enough pixel dimensions. That said, to optimise the uploading process, we would recommend uploading images that are no larger than 3200px wide.
Full-bleed homepage images are often around 1600 x 1000px. You should upload an image that is at least 1600 x 1000px, but it should be ideally 3200 x 2000px to cover you for any upscaling for retina devices.
Which file types can I upload to my website?
Our websites support .jpeg, .jpg and .png files.
Please note, if you need an element of transparency in your image (e.g. your are uploading a logo to your navigation and are using a transparent header image) you will need to upload a .png file.
Why are my images a strange colour, or appear dull?
This is almost always because the images have been saved with a colour profile that is not ideal for the web.
CMYK images
Images uploaded with the CMYK colour profile for print can produce particularly strange results - with colours that appear inverted.
Why you should use sRGB
Images on the web should be saved as sRGB to retain their vibrancy once uploaded. This can be done in the Photoshop 'Save for web' option. You can also run a batch process to save a whole folder of images with this colour profile.
Gifs can be uploaded throughout your site using the Insert/edit image button in the content toolbar. However, it is not currently possible for GIFs to play when added to Feature Panels.