Press items often relate to Exhibition records and it’s easy to relate those to an Exhibition or an Artist record.
Create Press records
Press records can be created in the CMS via Records > Press.
Edit your Press record
By clicking the pencil edit icon you'll be able to add details about your Press record.
Link to an artist or exhibition
As press-related stories will usually relate to an artist or exhibition, you are able to relate your Press record to either of these by selecting from the following options in Rress record:
Set 'Live from' and expiry date
These are optional choices. The Live from field should be selected if you would like it to appear at a future date. The Expires field should be selected if you would like it to expire (no longer show on your site) at a future date.
Modify how your Press records appear
You are able to make further edits to your Publications and their layout on your website by going to your CMS > Settings > Settings > Sections > Other Records and scroll to Press.
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