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Gallery/Studio/Collector Management
What's new?
Add a Custom tax amount to entire invoice
We have added a new option to the 'by tax rate' settings that allows you to override the tax amount for an entire invoice. Previously you could only add tax per individual item on an invoice. This was a popular feature request, especially by clients selling to customers in Florida where tax is not proportional to price but a fixed value.
Add invoice address to advanced reports
‘Invoice shipping address’ is now available as a field to add into advanced reports.
Add finders contact id list to reports
The finders ‘contact ID’ is now available to add into an accounts export.
What's been updated?
Improved messaging for invoices with paid/pending payment links
We have made improvements to the messaging around invoices with an attached payment link. Now when a user attempts to change invoice details after a payment is paid or pending, clients will see a message to redirect them to generate a new invoice.
Notification to client on potential risky upload
We have implemented improved back-end error handling and messaging on our import tools. This is to ensure resources are accurately distributed between clients on shared servers and to reduce the likelihood of any reduction in server speeds.
Updated messaging for ‘artwork sort’ ordering
A misleading message on the way artworks can be manually sorted from a management system through to a connected website’s Artworks or Store pages, has been updated to more accurately describe this sort process.
Inconsistent Enquire Buttons
This fix addressed an inconsistency in the preference settings for ‘enquire’ buttons across certain site sections. All labels will now display consistently across the site, regardless of artwork status, providing a unified user experience.
What's been fixed?
Invoice Terms Formatting Fix for iOS Devices
We’ve resolved an issue that was causing numbers entered in the ‘invoice terms’ section to be automatically formatted as telephone links on iOS devices. This caused these numbers to be missed from downloaded PDF invoices. All numerical information in the terms field will now display correctly in PDF invoices, ensuring your invoices are complete.
Redirect Links with Multiple Languages
This fix addressed a problem that caused redirect links to revert to the previous site language even after the preference had been changed. Now a redirect link will consider the new selected language automatically.
Shipping zones and costs not matching store currency
This was an issue experienced by a select group of clients where the default currency for new shipping zones did not match the store currency setting. Following this fix, new shipping zones will default to the store currency set by the client.
Inaccurate ‘Last User’ field fix
An issue was found to be causing artwork records to inaccurately show the ‘last user’ to update an artwork. This has been fixed and the ‘last user’ field will be updated correctly.
lastSavedBy field fix
This fix ensures that the ‘lastSavedBy’ and ‘lastSavedDate’ fields are updated accordingly when a user makes changes to an artwork and any connected artworks, to better aid visibility over changes.
Connecting artworks to Artsy
Some clients experienced an issue when trying to match unconnected artworks to their Artsy account. This has been identified and fixed.
Currency disappearing on product page
This issue caused currency symbols to disappear on individual product pages. With this fix, currency symbols will consistently display across individual product pages, store pages, and artwork detail pages, ensuring a uniform experience.
Website Management
What's been updated?
Ability to click through feature popups
In response to a feature request, we’ve updated the popups feature to allow interaction with the rest of the page when the popup is present.
What's been fixed?
‘Disable detail page’ Fix
This fix addressed a problem some clients were experiencing, which caused the navigation link to disabled art fairs pages to still be publicly visible.
List Image Not Overriding Fix
This fix addressed a problem which was causing art fair list images to not correctly override the main images on records lists.
Short Month Translations Fix
We have resolved an issue affecting some clients, where not all short months were correctly shortened to three characters in certain languages.
Custom Images for View on a Wall Fix
This fix addressed an issue affecting the way custom images were displayed when uploaded to ‘View on a wall’. Now the artwork always displays in the correct place, for all images on all devices.
Unavailable artworks enquire label Fix
An edge case where unavailable artworks were sometimes showing incorrect enquiry button labels has been fixed.
Artlogic App
What's new?
Display Artwork count in Private Views
You can now easily see the total number of artworks displayed in each private view, as well as how many are hidden by the device's current settings.
View Sync Status of Private Views
The new sync status helps you to identify when a Private View was last updated, giving better visibility on how current the information is, and if it requires updating.