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Gallery/Studio/Collector Management
What's new?
'Insurance history' field added to export
We've added the ability for clients to add contents from the 'insurance history' field to an artworks export from their system.
New 'Location via' field
An adjustment to the behaviour of the 'Location via' field has been added to support clients moving from an ArtBase system. This field will be cleared when location data is moved to the 'location history' field once a shipping invoice is generated.
Save permissions warning
A new warning has been added to alert users, without the correct user permissions, trying to change their password. This must be done by the admin on their account.
What's been updated?
Contact narrative date field added to advanced search
We've made an improvement to the advanced search to allow clients to search by 'narrative date'. Clients can search contact narrative entries for notes added on a specific date or date range.
Deleting a user warning message
Deleting a user record can be detrimental to your systems logs. We've improved our warning messaging to reflect this and help avoid potential issues.
Framing/extras field data in Private views links
We've updated the UI around the 'show framing/extras pricing' field when creating Private views links to ensure it's easily visible in the edit screen.
Private Views Update Multiple
We've added the ability for clients to perform an update multiple action on Private View Links. Clients can now update the expiry date for multiple Private Views at once, or delete multiple Private Views to make their list screens easier to manage.
What's been fixed?
Consigned out status symbol error
There was an issue that was causing the status symbol for artworks listed as 'consigned out' to show as 'undefined'. This has now been fixed, and consigned out artworks will be displayed with a 'c' for consigned out.
Framing extras bug
We discovered and fixed a bug that was causing the framing/extras pricing to be hidden if the price labels settings are set to none.
Artsy reconnect error message
Some clients were experiencing an error message in Artlogic incorrectly asking them to reconnect their Artsy account. This has been resolved and clients should now only see this message in the appropriate scenarios.
Contact narrative sync issue
We fixed an anomaly where a website enquiry with no message attached didn't display correctly in the contact narrative. This has been resolved.
COA text placement
We've fixed an issue that was affecting the 'text above artwork' toggle on certificates of authenticity. This will now function as intended.
Production costs label error in Artist accounts
We fixed a synching error affecting the production cost label in some Artist accounts.
Website Management
What's been updated?
'Related artists' added to exhibition sub navigation
We added the ability for clients to add the 'related artists' section to display on all exhibition sub navigation menus.
Tax in artwork filter options
We've added an option to include tax in the artwork price filtering and sorting options.
What's been fixed?
System homepage image on mobile
We addressed two defects impacting the display of homepage slideshows on mobile devices.
Past exhibitions filter by location fix
We fixed a bug that was created when two exhibition preferences were enabled simultaneously, this affected the search filter for exhibitions by location.
Fix to exhibition link on homepage image slider
We have fixed a bug that was affecting the homepage slider where the URL to an exhibition wasn't removed, even when the 'disable detail page' toggle had been selected by the client.