Share your artwork prices in select viewing rooms, and block them from displaying elsewhere on your website
Who can use this feature?
To find out if this feature is included in your plan please visit this page or get in touch with our team on to request further information.
If you signed up to Artlogic before July 2023 you can visit this page to view our previous plans. Should you have further questions please contact our Support team on
Steps for integrated websites
Prepare your artwork record
- Go to the artwork record in your Artlogic database > website tab
- Go to 'Price availability', and turn on make available to website
- Go to 'Price display', and choose never show price on website
- Click Save
The option 'Never show price on website' will mean that your artwork price will not show on the website, until you directly turn it on in the CMS in your viewing room panel. You can do this in individual feature panels of your viewing room by completing the following steps:
Enable prices in your Viewing Room
- Log in to your website CMS
- Go to Records > Viewing Rooms > edit your viewing room record
- Add a new feature panel, and select the panel type as Image/Artwork grid
- Click the edit pencil on the right side of the panel
- In the pop-up, navigate to the Prices section, and choose 'show prices', or 'show prices on list only' (to show on the main viewing room view), or on 'show prices on detail only' (to show only on the pop-up when you click into the artwork from the viewing room page)
Steps for standalone websites
Prepare your artwork record
- Go to the artwork record in your CMS > Records > Artworks > edit the the artwork
- Scroll to 'Price and availability', add a retail price, and make sure 'Show price on website' is unticked
- Save the artwork record
Enable prices in your viewing room
- Go to Records > Viewing Rooms > create or edit your viewing room
- Add a new feature panel, and select the panel type as Image/Artwork grid
- Click on select artworks and choose your artworks
- In the feature panel edit screen, scroll down to Artwork settings > prices > choose 'show prices', or 'show prices on list only' (to show on the main viewing room view), or on 'show prices on detail only' (to show only on the pop-up when you click into the artwork from the viewing room page)
- Click Save.
Make your Viewing Room private (password protected)
If you would like to make this viewing room password protected, you can follow this guide:
Show the artwork only in your online viewing room
You can also choose to block your artwork record, in its entirety, from appearing on your automatic dynamic artworks or artists page, and only show it in your viewing room.
For integrated websites, go to your database artwork record > go to the website tab > untick 'show on artwork and artist page'.
For standalone websites, go to Records > Artworks > navigate to the right-hand panel > untick 'Show on artist/artworks pages'.