This guide will help you change the display of your Viewing Room page and records using the preferences in you CMS > Settings > Sections > Viewing Rooms.
Landing page layout
When your website visitors go to www.yoursite/viewing-room.
Tip: If you only have 1 visible viewing room, your site will display the viewing room without a landing page/without a grid list of viewing rooms. Read more about this here.
Viewing Room list
- Enabled viewing_room sections
Choose to select whether all past, current, and forthcoming Viewing records will display on your website, or for example only current and forthcoming. - Grid type
Decide whether these will display on a single page (standard grid) or on separate pages (split by status). - Labels
Change the labels for your sections, eg 'upcoming' instead of 'forthcoming' or 'previous' instead of 'past'.
Viewing Room grid
Any changes made to these settings will only effect past records as they appear on the list view.
- Grid type
Decide on the layout of the Viewing Room records when they display together on the list view. - Viewing Room grid columns
Decide on the number of columns on the list view. - Viewing Room grid image cropping
Decide on whether you want to crop or uncrop the list images for each Viewing Room on the list view. - Viewing Room grid image alignment
Decide on the image alignment (top right, middle, etc) on the list view. - Viewing_rooms grid image aspect ratio
Decide between square, fit to the image, or various portrait and landscape options.
Viewing Room featured grid (current and forthcoming)
These settings only affect current and forthcoming records as they appear on the list view.
- Featured grid type
Decide on the layout of the Viewing Room records when they display on the list view. - Featured grid columns
Decide on the number of columns on the list view. - Featured grid image cropping
Decide on whether you want to crop or uncrop the list images for each Viewing Room on the list view. - Featured grid image alignment
Decide on the image alignment (top right, middle, etc) on the list view. - Featured grid image aspect ratio
Decide between square, fit to the image, or various portrait and landscape options.
Record layout
This refers to when someone accesses an individual Viewing Room.
Detail page
Detail page layout - Choose between the following:
- Single page with customisable content and feature panels
Make sure to use this option if your record is built up of Feature Panels. - Individual pages for each predefined section
Multiple pages which will list the modules below. - Single page of predefined sections
One page which will display the modules listed below.
- Enabled viewing room modules (for predefined layouts only)
If you've chosen option 1 or 2 above, you can activate or deactivate these pieces of information from displaying on your Viewing Room.
Artwork grid
These settings will not affect Feature panels and embedded Private Views. They will only affect artworks added to the Viewing Room using Artworks grid.
- Viewing Room images layout
Decide on the layout of the Artwork records when they display in the detail view. - Viewing Room works grid columns
Decide on the number of columns for your artworks in the detail view. - Viewing Room works grid image cropping
Decide on whether you want to crop or uncrop the artworks in the detail view. - Viewing Room works grid image alignment
Decide on the image alignment (top right, middle, etc) in the detail view. - Viewing Room works grid image aspect ratio
Decide between square, fit to the image, or various portrait and landscape options.