Offers can be recorded in the Sales Pipeline in a number of ways: sending an offer email, recording an offer, automatically recorded via website enquiries, and through the Artlogic app. This guide will show you how to create, record and send offers in the Sales Pipeline.
Create and send offers in Sales Pipeline
For this example, we'll use the Sales Pipeline section of the database (though you can also do this through the Artworks and/or Contacts section by clicking 'Send emails/offers').
- Log in to your database and go to Sales Pipeline.
- Choose New offer > Send an offer email.
- In the pop-up window, complete the details of your offer. Add your consultant, client/s, offer date and expiry date. It is also possible to add a follow up date (admin users can create presets for this in Other > Admin > Preferences > Core preferences > General > scroll to Sales Pipeline). Though there is currently no reminder system in the database, you'll be able to Sort your offers in the list screen.
Add recipients by typing your contacts' names and selecting them from the drop down, or by clicking Browse contacts.
Browsing your contacts will allow you to search and filter your contacts. Any flagged contacts in your system will remain flagged here: choosing 'Find flagged' will reveal these previously flagged contacts for you to use. As long as the contact record has the correct mailing settings you'll be able to email them. - All recipients will be in bcc, meaning their offer email will appear as an individual email to them.
- Select your artworks.
Use the Sort, Layout and Flag options to refine your selection. Any flagged artworks in your system will remain flagged here: choosing 'Find flagged' will reveal these previously flagged works for you to use.
Prints and editions: If you're offering an edition do note that only individual edition records (eg. 1 of 5), not edition data records, can be reserved, accepted or invoiced. Read here for more. - Begin personalising your email and adding text. To send your email to the recipients by their name (eg 'Dear Jane Smith), see this guide on merge tags.
- Click 'Artwork display settings' to change your artwork/s' visibility to your recipient/s.
- For example, tick 'Hide artworks from email' to remove artwork details from the email itself. This is useful if you'd prefer to attach a PDF. Doing this will still record the offers of your selected artworks. Here, you can also choose how the artworks' prices will display and the size and quality of your images. As emails can fail to send high resolution images as attachments, you have the option to 'Show high resolution image links'. When your recipient opens this link, it will open the highest quality image you have in their browser.
- For example, tick 'Hide artworks from email' to remove artwork details from the email itself. This is useful if you'd prefer to attach a PDF. Doing this will still record the offers of your selected artworks. Here, you can also choose how the artworks' prices will display and the size and quality of your images. As emails can fail to send high resolution images as attachments, you have the option to 'Show high resolution image links'. When your recipient opens this link, it will open the highest quality image you have in their browser.
- Click 'Upload attachments' to share pdfs along with the email.
- To manually change an artwork's price, set a 'custom offer price' or click the 'pencil edit' button beside an artwork's price in the email itself.
You'll be able to show a display price that includes or excludes VAT, set a 'Custom offer price' or show 'No price' at all. - Finally, add any 'Text below artworks' or a signature, which you can save for next time, towards the bottom of your email. Choosing 'Save for next time' is specific to your user login.
- When you are happy with your email, 'Send a test email' to ensure there are no further edits to be made. Then 'Send email and record offers' when you're ready for your contacts to receive their artwork offers.
- Click 'View offers' to be redirected to Sales Pipeline to track your offer. See below for next steps.
Manually recording an offer
Database offers
Like sending an offer email, manually recording a new offer is possible through Sales Pipeline (under Sales Pipeline > 'My Offers' and/or 'All Offers' > New offer), the Contacts, or Artworks, sections of your database.
For this example, we'll use the Artworks section of the database:
- Log in to your database, head to Artworks, and flag and find the artworks you wish offer
- Choose Sell/ Offer/ Share > Offer selected items...
- This will display the offer edit screen. Here, add your consultant, client/s, offer date (and expiry date), and a follow up date (you can create presets for this in Other > Admin > Preferences > Core preferences > General > scroll to Sales Pipeline).
- To add (or remove) artworks from the selection, click 'Browse artworks' and re-flag the artworks you wish to offer. Offer prices are editable in this view and doing so will not impact the retail price of the artwork record - the offer price is only relevant for the sales pipeline.
- When you're happy with the prices and details of your offer, click 'Record offer'.