When an offer is moved from Open, Reserved or Qualified, to Accepted, Sales Pipeline will automatically show your offer in the Offer invoice section beneath the stages. Here, you'll be able to begin creating your invoice. This guide walks you through the steps.
How to create an invoice from your offer records
- Find your chosen offer record in Sales Pipeline.
- In your offer edit screen, moving an offer (or multiple offers) along the sales funnel from Open, Reserved or Qualified, to Accepted will automatically activate the Offer invoice section.
This field will only display information when at least one artwork has been accepted.
Info: To see all offers awaiting the creation of an invoice go to Sales Pipeline > Finance team views > Accepted awaiting invoice.
3. The Offer Invoice section will summarise the accepted item/s' value, give you the option to apply a discount, and then automatically adjust the Total due to you. It will also give you the option to add any billing instructions which will appear in the invoice edit screen. Once happy with your invoice settings, click Create Invoice.
4. The popup message will give you a summary of the invoice you are about to create. You can chose which gallery to create the invoice for (if you have multi galleries set up).
Click Create invoice to confirm and progress to the invoice edit screen.
5. Your invoice edit screen will now appear as a draft until it is generated.
If you are unfamiliar with the invoice edit screen, take a moment to explore its options. For example, the action bar at the bottom includes an Add sundry item button to add shipping/framing costs and use the Settings option to select the Invoice type and its associated VAT and other display settings. You'll also notice any internal Billing instructions left by the sales consultant will appear highlighted in blue at the top.
For general information on modifying an invoice, view this guide.
6. Clicking Save in the action bar at the bottom of your invoice will save all changes but keep the invoice a draft.
(You'll now notice the invoice number and link, and amount paid appear in the offer invoice section in the Sales Pipeline offer.)
7. When you're happy with the invoice and ready to send it to the client click Action > Generate Sales invoice. It will allow you to download your chosen invoice as a Word doc (so that you can make further manual edits) or PDF.
8. Once you have generated your invoice, the system will automatically list the offer's stage as Invoiced (unpaid).
You're able to keep track of all invoiced offers whereby no, partial, or full payment has been received in Sales Pipeline > Financial team views > Invoiced awaiting payment (or part paid, fully paid).
9. After applying payment to your invoice you'll see this reflected in the offer record's stages:
- Part paid:
- And finally, fully paid:
10. Now that you have received all payments for your artworks and you have updated this in Artlogic, you'll be able view all Sold offers in Sales Pipeline > Financial team views > Invoiced fully paid.
Related Articles
- Sales Pipeline: Using Insights and creating reports
- Sales Pipeline: Find your offers and learn the layout