This guide covers how to acquire new Sales Pipeline licences and how to change the privileges given to your users in relation to this feature. Admin users can purchase licences following the steps in this help note.
Info: The following steps are for Artlogic Pro/Sales Professional users only currently using the latest version of Sales Pipeline. These options will already be set up for the single users on the Artlogic One plan. If you're unsure about your setup or want to enquire whether this feature is included in your current plan, please email
How to assign licences to your users
- Log in to your database and go to Other > Admin > Users.
- Open the user record you wish to have access to Sales Pipeline and go to the Sales Pipeline tab.
- There are 2 types of licences:
Sales users: Enable the Has Sales Pipeline licence option.
Admin users will see all menu options (Sales team view, Finance team view, Website enquiries, Insights).
Non-admin users will see the Sales team view menu and additionally other areas if they have the user settings enabled to view them (eg Website enquiries, Insights); see step 4. This option will only be clickable if you have a licence available. To add more licences, click Update number of licenses.
Finance users: If you would like your user to only have access to the Finance views in Sales Pipeline enable the Has access to Sales Pipeline finance views only toggle.
This permission setting will allow them to see only the Finance view, not the Sales view (any open, qualified, and reserved offers will be hidden). Only Accepted awaiting invoice and Invoiced offers will be visible.
Both admin users and non-admin users will only see the Finance Team View in the menu.
4. If you wish to extend the Sales user's Sales Pipeline access choose from these additional options:
5. Save the user record and repeat the process for all users you wish to assign a licence to.
Note: Your users may need to log out and log back in to see their newly updated permissions/licences.
Disabling a Sales Pipeline licence for a user
If you wish to disable a user's access to Sales Pipeline, find their user record following the steps above and disable the Has 'Sales Pipeline' licence option.
Reassigning a licence
Disabling a user's access, as described above, will automatically "free up" a licence, which you can assign to another user.
Increase/reduce your Sales Pipeline licences
- To change how many licences you pay for, click Update number of licences in the user record or in your Core preferences.
- Choose your new number of licences or to 'Disable' Sales Pipeline altogether and click Next.
- Review and acknowledge these changes.
- Click Enable Sales Pipeline for X users to update your system. Our finance team will automatically be notified of this change and will update your billing accordingly.
Note: Your users may need to logout and log back in to see their newly updated permissions/licences.