Clicking the Sales Pipeline option in your Artlogic database will reveal a drop down menu that is segmented by Sales team views, Finance team views and Insights (accessible only by administrators).
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Sales Team Views
Sales Team Views are split by:
- My offers, which show the offers you have created.
All offers, which reflect every offer created within your organisation.
In the list, each team's offers are then split into stages. Click a stage (eg 'All qualified offers') will display all the offers that have at least 1 offer recorded related to that stage.
Finance Team Views
This view allows the finance team to track all offers that are at the Accepted stage by the sales person.
- Accepted awaiting invoice.
- Invoiced awaiting payment.
- Invoice part paid.
- Invoiced fully paid.
Viewing and managing your Pipeline
As an example, we'll use the All offers section of your Sales Pipeline. To access this screen, go to Sales Pipeline > Sales Team Views > All offers.
The list screen
From the list screen, you're able to oversee all existing offers depending on the view.
Opening All offers for example, will display all offers ever created, with each row displaying one single offer (of course, one offer can contain multiple artworks).
Among other actions, the list screen shows the contact, follow up date, consultant/s, offer 'source' (eg Artlogic offer email, website enquiry, PrivateViews app offer), offer stage/s, and importance rating. You are also able to sort offers by dates or importance; search, flag, find and update multiple offers at once; change the importance rating; and edit your offers.
The preview pane
The preview pane, which exists on the right-hand side of your Sales Pipeline screen, provides more details about the selected offer record.
Viewing the preview pane of an offer record gives you more information about the record and contact.
- Shown here is the Offer record number (highlighted), the contact's details including their categories, interests and contact narrative.
- Scrolling down, the Offered artworks within the record with links to each artworks' edit screen will appear.
- Further down, you'll see the Offer details with the offer's key dates (and expiry date too if inputted).
- The Value summary will reveal a breakdown of the offer value (total and average) as well as currency breakdowns if more than one have been logged.
- There is then a Consultant field showing the main and secondary consultants, as well as any additional followers. Followers can be added by clicking into the offer record and scrolling to the Consultants field, where you can add up to 10 followers.
Searches and other action
From your Sales Pipeline list view, you have the possibility to use:
- The search (and advanced search) function and filtered results.
- Update/delete multiple actions.
- Export options (if your user record has this option enabled - speak to your account administrator if this option is not available to you).
- The create a New offer.
- Insights.
- View in Contacts, which will take you to the Contacts section of your database.
From the list view, the stages of offered artworks within each offer will be reflected.
Offers with multiple offer stages, like the one highlighted with the dotted line below, will be displayed with multiple coloured icons with the first letter of each stage.
When all offered artworks within an offer record have the same stage you will see the stage icon in full, as highlighted below.
Definitions of each stage
For a detailed understanding of the Stages of the Sales Funnel, view our guide: Sales Pipeline: Stages of the Sales Funnel
Sales channels
The source of the offers will be automatically generated depending on where they were created.
Sources include:
- Artlogic manually recorded offer.
- Website enquiry (integrated users only)
- PrivateViews app offer.
- N/A (if a source not been found).
If you have administrator permissions you are able to add more custom values by going into Sales Pipeline > Value lists > Sales channels.
Website enquiries
If you have an Artlogic website integrated with your database, any enquiry made to your artworks online will be automatically generated in your Sales Pipeline.
These will be shown under the 'Website enquiry' View and displayed as 'Website enquiry' under the Source column: