The process to enable prices to show on your site differs for those with integrated websites and standalone websites (no connected Artlogic database). This guide explains both approaches.
Integrated websites
If you have an Artlogic database ( all Artwork records are managed through your database.
Artwork prices
1. Log into your Artlogic database > find your chosen artwork/s > go to the Financial tab.
Confirm the following in every Artwork record that you wish to display prices online:
- The Status & availability matches which availabilities you have selected to allow artworks to be purchased in: Other > Admin > Preferences > Core preferences > General.
- A Tax status has been entered and the tax rate applied. If the 'Automatically apply rate for selected tax status' checkbox isn't selected, your customer won't be charged tax at checkout.
- The Retail currency in the artwork record/s match the Base currency on your website (you can view this by logging into your website CMS > Settings > Online sales setup > scroll to Currency > select Base currency).
- A Retail price has been entered.
2. To override the display prices of an artwork, for example, to show the price excluding tax with a "Plus tax" label, click 'Override display price' and add your custom price with your custom label.
3. To enable the artwork/s and its price to appear online, in every artwork record go to its edit screen > Website > select 'Make available to website' and a 'Show price on website' option. If these settings aren't present in your Artlogic Database, please contact us at Support.
Displaying VAT rates
To display all artworks' tax inclusive prices, log into your website CMS.
- Go to Settings > Artworks
- Click Enable 'Display tax inclusive prices'. The website will use the inclusive tax display price where available.
Standalone websites
These instructions are for clients with only an Artlogic website CMS.
Login to you website CMS ( to manage the settings of each Artwork record, including their prices.
Setting artwork prices
Go to CMS > Records > Artwork records.
- Check the artwork's availability setting is 'Available'.
- Check that the Retail currency matches the base currency on the website (you can view this by going to Settings > Online sales setup > scroll to Currency > select Base currency).
- Enter a Retail price.
- Use the Display price override can be used, for example, to set a price range or set a suffix and will show in place of the retail price on the website.
- Select Show price on website.
Displaying VAT rates
- First, set a base rate tax.
To do this, go to your CMS > Settings > Online sales setup > scroll to Currency > VAT rates and customise your preferences. Read more here. (Don't worry, this will not enable your online sales to go live). - Set individual tax rates.
Go to CMS > Records > Artwork records > select your chosen artwork record.
Here you'll be able to choose your Standard tax rate or to Customise tax rate, which allows you to add a unique tax value or to set this to disable tax on this artwork, thereby settings its tax value to 0.
To find out more about setting currencies for your items, click here.
Display prices in your Viewing Room
When adding artworks to feature panels in your Viewing Room, you'll be able to change the price setting for that individual feature panel. To do this, open your chosen feature panel and scroll to Artwork settings and select from the drop down menu your price display preference:
Remember, In order to show prices, you must select 'Price Availability' as 'Make available to website' for each artwork record (if an integrated client this is in your Artlogic Database). Please contact Artlogic Support if you do not have this option enabled.
Other price display tips
Showing artworks as sold
If you have sold artworks displayed on your site, follow the steps in this guide to display "SOLD" or red dots for artworks no longer available: Show an item as "SOLD" (with no red dots) on your site.
Enquiry buttons
If your website does not have online sales activated you may see or want an 'Enquire' button in place of a 'Buy now' button. This is also possible even if you do have online sales enabled.
Read our guide Displaying 'enquiry' buttons on your artworks for more.