This guide explains how to display and customise the 'enquire' button option you can add beneath the artworks on your site. This button will allow your visitors to get in touch with you about one specific artwork, making it easier for you to tailor your response.
Where can I enable enquire buttons?
- First, log into your website CMS, go to Settings > Settings > Contacts & Enquiries and complete the forms. Pay particular attention to the Email to and Email from fields. These can be any emails attributed to your organisation and are usually info@ or enquiries@ addresses.
- Then go to Settings > Settings > Artworks > scroll to the section titled Artwork enquiries.
- Here, you are able to:
- Enable enquire button
- Hide enquire button when sold
How to use the artworks Availability as an enquiry button
You are able to set an Artwork's caption/label as the availability [available, reserved, sold] of that artwork in place of the enquire label, as well as being able to choose which availabilities will show.
- Go to your website CMS > Settings > Settings > Artworks.
- Scroll to Artwork grid enquiry buttons.
- Enable Enable enquiry buttons on artwork lists.
- Enable Show artwork availability as artwork label.
- Choose the Availabilities to show.
- You are also able to disable your 'enquiry' button when the artwork is sold.
Enquiry buttons on feature panels
As well as being able to adjust the settings for your enquire buttons across your website as a whole, you also have the option to enable or disable enquiry buttons individually within each of your feature panels.
Enabling the setting within each individual panel will allow you to adjust the following settings;
- Ability to change the button label per panel.
- Option to copy settings to the artwork detail screen, specifically when clicked from that panel.
- Hide enquire button when the artwork has been sold.
- Ability to show artwork availability as the button label.
- Disable the enquire buttons completely for the list view of that panel.
- Disable the enquiry button for specific images/artworks within a panel.
The enquiry enablement button in the Feature Panel menu controls the display in the list view.
While the enquiry buttons within the image/artwork detail pages are controlled by the individual edit screens.
How to enable contact details saving for enquiries
1. For visitors who have previously made enquiries through the website, you can enable their contact details to be remembered in Settings > Contacts & Enquiries.
2. With this setting, when a visitor has previously filled out an enquiry form, when filling out a new enquiry while using the same device, their previous details will be autofilled.