You can hide contacts or to make them available to administrators only.
How to hide contacts
Hidden contacts are removed from your main views to make it easier to navigate your core contacts. Any contacts added to your database through an integrated mailing list sign up form on your website will automatically be added as hidden contacts.
- Log into your Artlogic database.
- Go to Contacts and find your chosen contact.
- Click on the 'pencil edit' icon to edit the contact.
- Under the 'Contact' tab scroll down to 'General'.
- Select 'hide record'.
- Click 'Save'.
You can quickly view all of your hidden contacts using the 'Hidden' view:
How to make contacts visible to admin users only
You can make a contact visible to administrators only by following the same steps as above and selecting the option 'Admin only'.
Hide or un-hide multiple contacts
It is easy to update multiple records at once with the Update Multiple tool. You'll just need to flag the set of records you wish to update. Always remember to clear your flagged records when beginning a new action.
Steps to hide contacts
- Log into your Artlogic database
- Go to Contacts and flag your chosen contacts
- Click on the 'update multiple' option from the lower navigation
- Select to 'update multiple' from your flagged records
- In the pop-up edit window, go to Contact Information > Visibility
- Select 'Set Hidden flag to remove from Contacts main view'
- Update.
Steps to un-hide contacts
- Log into your Artlogic database
- Go to Contacts > Views > Hidden contacts
- Click on the top flag and select 'add to flagged' to flag the entire set
- Click on the 'update multiple' option from the lower navigation
- Select to 'update multiple' from your flagged records
- In the pop-up edit window, go to Contact Information > Visibility
- Select 'Unset Hidden flag to show in main view'
- Update.