Recipients of your mailings may choose to unsubscribe from your emails sent through Artlogic. See below for how to find a list of unsubscribed contacts and how to update their mailing preferences, should they wish to re-subscribe.
How to find unsubscribed contact records
When a contact chooses to unsubscribe from your mailings, their record will be automatically updated with new mailing preferences. This can be seen in the 'Mailing Settings' section of an individual contact record. These contacts can also be found in bulk from the GDPR/ Data Protection Dashboard and via the Advanced Search.
GDPR/ Data Protection Dashboard
The dashboard gives a breakdown of the total contacts in your database, with easy links to contacts on your mailing lists, or those who have unsubscribed.
Steps to find the dashboard:
Go to Contacts > Data Protection > GDPR Dashboard
Filtering via the Advanced Search
To find contacts who have unsubscribed from mailings, navigate to Contacts > All and perform the following Advanced Search:
You can nuance your search to filter by a specific timeframe or another value, as needed:
Contact record Mailing Settings
To view a contact's updated preferences, open their record to edit and scroll down the first 'Contact' tab until you reach 'Mailing Settings'.
You will receive the following message:
Clicking 'more options' will reveal the Mailings unsubscribe date:
If a contact decides to opt out of your mailings, the entire contact record - including all email addresses listed in the for mailings field - will be unsubscribed. For GDPR reasons, you cannot edit email preferences from a contact's edit page if the user has chosen to unsubscribe from some or all emails.
With an individual's permission, you can edit their email preferences by clicking the 'this page' link under the 'NOTE: This user opted out of all emails on ...' notification in the 'Contact' tab. This link will take you to a page to customise the contact's preferences.
This action cannot be performed with the Update Multiple tool.