The Enhanced Contact Restrictions feature prevents restricted users from viewing any data relating to contacts for whom they are not assigned as a consultant.
Restricted users will still be able to view data relating to contacts who have no consultant assigned.
Who can use this feature?
To find out if this feature is included in your plan please visit this page.
If you signed up to Artlogic before July 2023 you can visit this page to view our previous plans. Should you have further questions please contact our Support team on
How does it work?
Galleries use the Enhanced Contact Restrictions tool to restrict access to sensitive client information. This feature allows you to assign contacts to users, thereby restricting their visibility to other users.
This is useful if you have confidential client information that should only be visible to their assigned consultant and system administrators.
Please note: only admin users will be able to enable this tool.
- Log in to your Artlogic database (
- Go to Other > Admin > Users
Find your chosen user record > Roles > Contacts and make sure that the record has the 'Contact Restrictions (enhanced)' setting selected.
This will restrict non-admin users to access the contacts where they are listed as a consultant.
Other contacts will not appear to these users at all or will be replaced with the text 'Restricted contact'. - Ensure that consultant details have been set within the contact records. If you are unsure about how to do this please refer to this help guide.
Once the feature is enabled
When the Enhanced Contact Restrictions functionality is enabled, the following will happen:
- Only Admin users will continue to have unrestricted access across the database.
- Contact records will appear redacted to any user not assigned as its designated consultant.
- Along with the redacted view, if you are not set as the designated consultant you will not be able to export or download the contact's data.
- Only the designated consultant will be able to see and edit the contact record.
- If the contact record does not have a consultant, then the details will be visible to all users.
- When contacts are assigned to a consultant, they will also be grouped under 'My Contacts', a new Contacts view that will only be accessible by the designated user record:
Users with any of the following permissions turned on can not have the ‘Contact restrictions (enhanced)’ enabled:
- Allow this user to export Artworks spreadsheets
- Allow this user to sell items and view and administer Accounts
- Allow access to other users' offers [Sales Pipeline permission]
- Permit this user to administer marketing and events lists
- Permit this user to send group emails
Document downloads are also disabled when the 'Contact restrictions (enhanced)' setting is activated.
What is excluded from the redacted view?
- Contacts (list screen): no restricted contacts appear in the list.
- Contact (preview pane): restricted contact data is redacted.
Artworks: redaction applies to restricted contact details in the following fields: Current owner; Consigned by; Sold to; Reserved for; Purchased from; Shipped to; Shipped to address; Shipped from; Shipped from address; Location; Production and Other costs.
Artwork (preview pane): restricted contact data is redacted.
Artwork lists (list screen): if a list is linked to a restricted contact, that contact is redacted.
Artwork lists (edit screen): restricted contact data is redacted.
Artist edit screen: restricted contact data is redacted.
'Search and select' fields will only show suggestions from unrestricted contacts.
Shipping history, Location history, Offer history: these fields are redacted for everyone with 'Contact restrictions (enhanced) turned on, and the 'Add to xxx history' button is removed.
Sales Pipeline: restricted contact data is redacted.
Market Intelligence: market intelligence items will not appear in the list for a restricted user if both of the following apply:
- The market intelligence record relates to a restricted contact
- The restricted user is not assigned to the market intelligence record as 'Sales consultant'
- Artists/Artwork narrative: narrative notes relating to restricted contacts will not appear in Artist or Artwork narratives.
- Documents Archive: any restricted contacts will be removed from the 'Attached contacts' list.
- Offer log: As the restricted user cannot have the role 'Allow all offers', only offers they have created will display in the list.
Resolve duplicates tool
The 'Resolve duplicates' tool (Contacts > Tools > Resolve duplicates) is still available for restricted users, but it will not show restricted contacts.
Duplicate checking on contact creation
The duplicate check still runs when adding a new contact or editing an email address, but it does not reveal any contact data or link to the contact record; it only gives the name of the consultant.