If you are an admin user in your database, you are able to edit the permissions and set IP restrictions for your database's other users.
Admin Users
Admin users have full access to the database. Administrators may edit all entries and will have full access to the Users database, they are able to use every feature available to them, from performing 'Update multiples' to sending mass mailing campaigns. Only admin users can request significant changes to your system such as adding additional users to your account or turning on preferences.
Changing user permissions
To change one of your user's permissions, go to Other > Admin > Users.
Then, find your chosen user and click the 'pencil edit' icon and go to the 'Roles' tab.
If you would like to make the user an Admin, tick the 'Administrator (user has full access)' box and click 'Save'. Alternatively, if you would like to remove their Admin privileges, simply untick this box and click 'Save'.
Customise user permissions
You are able to customise the access of all non-admin users.
In the 'Roles' tab, depending on your Artlogic package, you will see sections such as General, Accounts, Artworks, Contacts, Library & publications, Offers, Market intelligence, Private views, and Activity timeline.
Each of the settings within these fields is customisable. Review each, before saving. If setting up a new account it can also be helpful to log in as that user and check the restrictions look good before delivering it.
IP restrictions
To restrict a user to an IP address means that they will only be able to log in to Artlogic on that IP address. Your IP address usually means your computer network. This could be used, for example, to prevent the user from logging in outside of your offices.
To set an IP restriction one of your user's settings, go to Other > Admin > Users.
Then, find your chosen user and click the 'pencil edit' icon and go to the 'Access control' tab.
Click the 'i' icon to the right of the plain text field. A window will open, at the bottom of which the IP address of the computer network will be shown. Copy and paste this into the 'Also allow access from these IP ranges' free text field in the Access control tab, and click Save. You may find it helpful to ask your IT team to help with this if you have one.
What is an IP restriction?
An IP Restriction can be enabled for security reasons. Users with the '' setting turned on, will be allowed to login only from a range of IP addresses as defined by you, the administrator.
For more information on this and what your IP addresses might look like and how to write multiple addresses, click the blue '
Restricting Permissions
You can restrict users from viewing confidential financial information. To learn more, please read our help note on how to restrict users from accessing financial information.
We also offer enhanced contact restrictions as a beta feature, which you can learn more about in this help note.