If you want your website to display your organisation's multiple locations, this feature will enable you to add these locations to the Contact and Exhibitions pages.
Enable Multiple locations in your CMS
If your organisation exists in different places, you can activate Multiple Locations. Navigate to Settings > Other records > Locations > enable Multiple locations. If you would like to associate your Exhibition records with Locations, you will need to also activate Enable locations in exhibitions.
Create your location records
Once Multiple Locations have been activated, you can add your Location records to your CMS by going to Records > Locations > New record. You can fill out your desired fields, including a short/long description, adding a Google maps URL and latitude and longitude of the location. If you do not wish to have a Google map displayed, you can upload an image instead. You can u
In order to show your Location record on your website, you will need to ensure that Show on website is enabled. If you would like your Locations to automatically display on your Contact page, you will need to enable the Show on locations page setting. This will automatically add the Google maps of each location (if inputted) and details to your Contact page.
Adding a Location to your Exhibition Records
Find your Exhibition record (CMS > Records > Exhibitions), click the pencil edit icon and scroll to Related Items. Here, you will find your Selected locations, where you can choose which location to associate with your Exhibition record.