When purchasing an Artlogic website you will also need to purchase the website domain from an external domain host. This article would take you through the difference between web hosting and domain hosting.
What does Artlogic host for us if we have an Artlogic website?
Although both are closely related, web hosting and domain hosting are two different services. When purchasing a website package with Artlogic, only web hosting is provided.
This means that Artlogic stores the content of your website on internet servers running every day. However, you will need to also arrange an external domain hosting service that will provide the domain name which is the URL used for visitors to access your website.
There's a useful analogy to understand this. If we think of hosting in relation to houses, we can say that the domain host provides the address where visitors should reach you while the web host provides the house that visitors will see.
Web hosting
A Web host provides everything that you can see on your website once you access it, all of the content displayed such as text, images, videos, etc.
When creating a website with Artlogic we not only offer a content management system as well as store everything you add to a server that is constantly running.
For more detailed information on this please go to What are domains and what is 'hosting'?
Domain hosting
A Domain host provides a domain name, such as www.yourwebsitename.com, this is then used to reach your website. When accessing the address all of the information visitors will see will be provided by the web host.
Once your website is ready to go live you will need to connect the domain host to the website so that the address takes visitors to your content.