Enabling this feature will allow you to keep the artwork details automatically updated on Artsy when you make changes to your artwork records in your Artlogic database.
- Artwork records must be connected between Artlogic and Artsy before you are able to automatically update them.
- Once the update is sent from Artlogic to Artsy, this will be automatically published on your Artsy live page.
- Automatic updates are only pushed from Artlogic to Artsy, and not vice versa, i.e. any changes that you make in Artsy will not automatically reflect in Artlogic.
- You cannot undo updates made to Artsy via the automatic updates feature through your database.
- The only Artlogic fields where you will be able to apply an automatic update to Artsy are: Stock number, Retail price, Series, Photo credit, Description, Exhibitions, Literature, Provenance, Status&Availability.
Set up your preferences to get started
Go to Other > Admin > Preferences > Core preferences > Integrations > Artlogic + Artsy integration to select specific preferences for the automatic synchronisation.
You can choose to:
- Disable the automatic updates so that you will never be asked to update Artsy when you apply changes to artwork records in Artlogic.
- Set to include certain fields from never being automatically updated on Artsy.
- Set to always have specific fields selected and updated by default.
How to use the automatic synchronisation feature
There are three scenarios where the automatic synchronisation feature will come into effect:
Update a connected artwork
When selecting to 'Save' changes applied to an artwork record, a dialogue will prompt you to select whether to update the changed artwork fields on Artsy.
Use the 'Update multiple' tool to bulk edit works
Some fields which can be bulk updated on multiple artwork records at once via the 'Update multiple' functionality are also shared with Artsy.
Generate invoices
After selecting ‘Generate a sales invoice' a dialogue will prompt you to select whether to update the changed Status&Availability on Artsy.
Automatic updates logs: where to find them
You can find a log of the updates performed under Artworks > Artsy > Artsy update logs. Updates 'Status' include; ‘Updated’, ‘Failed’ and ‘Pending’.