This guide answers some of the most common questions about the integration to help you understand how to set up and use your Artlogic Database with your Artsy account. This guide covers whether your Artlogic Database will update your Artsy account, whether your Artsy account update Artlogic, and more.
Common questions
Which users can set up the Artsy integration?
Only administrators can set this up.
I have an Artist/Collector account with Artlogic. Can I set up the integration?
No. You must have a Gallery database plan.
Do I need an Artsy account before I set up this integration?
Yes. This is because you will have to link your Artsy artworks to Artlogic before further integration. Set up an Artsy account here:
What type of Artsy account do I need to set up this integration?
You must have an Artsy Gallery Partnership account.
How long will the setup take me?
About 30 minutes.
In which scenario would the system not detect an automatic match in the artists connection screen?
Artists records coming from your Artsy inventory will not be automatically matched with the ones existing in your Artlogic database if the name contains any discrepancy such as a special character or a hyphen (e.g. Sam Alexander vs Sam Aléxander) or if there is an inaccuracy in either one of the systems. In the latter case, please make sure to correct this in the system where the typo is occurring.
Can I start sharing new artworks from Artlogic to Artsy before completing the setup process?
No. You must complete the setup process before you proceed with exporting new works from Artlogic to Artsy. This will ensure that no artists or artworks duplicates are created when you start sharing new records.
What does the Artsy tab in my Artwork record show me?
Depending on what information you have chosen to export in your artwork records, the Artsy tab can show you information including: Availability, Stock number, Medium, Additional information, Signature, Provenance, Exhibition history, Literature, Series, Confidential notes.
What information of the Artist record in Artlogic is exported to Artsy?
Artsy tab will display Bio from Artsy (Artlogic Database doesn't send information to Artsy).
How can I share multiple artworks to Artsy in one go?
Bulk sharing at bottom of main export screen.
See this guide for more: Exporting artworks to Artsy
If I edit an artwork that has already been exported to Artsy, will these edits be automatically updated on Artsy?
Once the artwork is shared to the Artsy CMS, the artwork becomes static. This means that if you make further changes to the artwork in your Artlogic database, it will not impact the artwork on Artsy. You will need to log on to your Artsy CMS to make further changes.
If you have enabled the automatic synchronisation feature, you will be able to ensure that the artwork details are automatically updated on Artsy whenever modifications are made to the artwork records in your Artlogic Database. The only Artlogic fields where you will be able to apply an automatic update to Artsy are: Stock number, Retail price, Series, Photo credit, Description, Exhibitions, Literature, Provenance, Status&Availability.
You can enable this feature by navigating to Other > Admin > Preferences > Core preferences > Artlogic + Artsy integration.
Will changes that I make in Artsy display in my Artlogic account?
You are able to edit the artworks that have been exported from Artlogic in your Artsy CMS. Doing this will not affect Artlogic Database records.
Will Artsy have access to all the data on my Artlogic database?
The security of your data is our number one priority and a partial integration of your artwork data with Artsy does nothing to change this.
The Artsy platform has no access to your data beyond what you explicitly choose to share with it (specific fields for specific artworks which you can amend before sending across). By authenticating your Artlogic Database to the Artsy CMS, your database gains access to read, add and modify your inventory on Artsy. Artsy will have no general access to your data.
Why is the secondary image of my artwork not being exported to Artsy?
If any of your artworks have secondary images, first go to the records' Images tab and tick ‘Include all images when publishing Private Views, exporting to Artsy and creating reports’. You can also use the Update multiple tool to batch update artwork records so that all secondary images will be exported to your Artsy account.
Can I synchronise my edition record on Artsy to the corresponding edition records in Artlogic?
Edition records from Artsy can only connect to Edition Data Records in Artlogic. You will not be able to select which edition record to connect the work to in Artlogic.
How do I disconnect an artwork from Artsy?
You will find this setting by clicking inside the artwork record in question and navigating under the Artsy tab. This setting will disconnect the artwork from its counterpart on Artsy. No artwork details will be deleted on either system.
How do I disable the integration?
Other > Admin > Preferences > Core preferences > Integrations > Disable Artsy integration
Disabling Artsy integration will prevent you from exporting artworks and artists in Artlogic to your Artsy account. Pushing this button will give you the option to disable the integration or to disable and remove all data. If you choose to remove all data, this will remove all the data in the 'Artsy' tab of your database records. This will not affect any records in your Artsy account.
How can I change my Artsy account email address?
Other > Admin > Preferences > Core preferences > Integrations > Disable Artsy integration
To update the email address associated with your Artsy account, you will first want to disable the Artsy integration, following the steps above, making sure to select only disable rather than disable and remove all data.
Then, after making the changes to the email address in Artsy, you can reconnect the integration in Other > Admin > Preferences > Core Preferences > Integrations, and from there you will be prompted to reauthorize with your new details.
Can I integrate my Artlogic Database with more than one Artsy accounts?
The Artsy integration is set up so each client can only ever connect one account. It is designed to automatically re-connect to the original if you ever disconnect.
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