Artlogic Mailings has been designed to make your emails look great in the most popular email clients. However, there are important technical aspects regarding the size of your emails that you should be aware of before you start composing/sending HTML emails.
Gmail can clip your emails
Gmail imposes a limit of 102kb on the size of your emails - if an email exceeds the limit, Gmail will clip it and provide a link to view the entire message.
It may look like this:
The problems this can cause
- Recipients using Gmail won't immediately see your entire email.
- Clipped emails won't register as 'opened' in the email activity.
- Clipped emails may appear completely broken (Gmail can break the HTML code of your email).
It's very important to test your emails in Gmail. If you don't have a Gmail account, we recommend you sign up for one to test your emails.
How to reduce the size of your email
- Consider replacing large sections of text with a link to read more on your website.
- Click tracking increases the size of your email - consider disabling it.
- Make sure you're not using long URLs in links. If you have a long URL that you need to use, consider shortening it with a URL shortener like bitly.
Note: the size of the email is not influenced by the size of the images you use within your email. Using lower quality images will have no effect on the Gmail size limit.