How to add and edit new Interest values in your database
Interests are a great way to tag, locate and group your contact records.
Info: Interests are often used for marketing purposes, as they show a contact's engagement with a particular artist, genre, or wider group (i.e Picasso, Still Life, Secondary market).
Create an Interest
Find and create interests by going to Contacts > Value lists > Interests.
- Create a New Record.
- Type in the name of your Interest (i.e. Still life) and then select OK.
- Navigate back to Contacts and either add the Interest manually to an individual record in the Categories & Interests tab, or update many records at the same time with the Update Multiple tool.
Add an Artist as an Interest
Creating an Artist as an Interest helps you easily group contacts by their interests.
- Click the pencil icon to edit your chosen contact record.
- Go to the Contact narrative tab and select Add narrative note, or select the speech bubble icon in your Contacts list view.
- Type the artist's name into the Artist/Interest search field.
- Your artist's name should appear in a drop-down menu, alongside a paintbrush icon.
- Select the relevant artist, then click Save.
Attach an Interest to a contact
- Navigate to Contacts.
- Double click to edit the relevant contact record.
- Click on the Categories & Interests tab.
- Type in the interest in the search bar, or choose to show all to add multiple interests at once.
- Save.
Where will they show?
Once you've assigned an interest to a contact record, they will also appear under the Lists and Categories tab in the preview pane of each contact record.