This guide shows you how to encourage purchases by showing when prints and editions are low in stock.
You must have an online store enabled to use this feature. For help setting up your online store, visit our guide Creating an online store. If you have an integrated account please also refer to How to sell prints & editions on your website.
If you have a standalone account, you can use the quantity available artwork fields to track the stock for limited availability labels.
Enabling limited availability labels
- Log in to your CMS
- Go Settings > Online Sales > General.
Enable limited availability labels.
- You can also edit the low stock threshold and label text.
- Save.
Low stock threshold
For the limited availability label to appear, you must set a low stock threshold number. This number will determine at what stock level point the label will appear. If the stock falls below this threshold, the label will then automatically appear on the artwork page. If you do not set a number in this field the limited availability label will never be displayed.
Label text
This free text field allows you to control what the limited available label says on your website. To include the stock number in the text, you write #stock#. For example, ‘Only #stock# remaining’.