If an alternative to your artwork's retail price (including/excluding tax) is preferred, override options are available to add custom prices and labels.
How to set an Override display price
A display price override can be added in an artwork record's financial tab. This will overrule any other overrides applied elsewhere.
- Open your artwork record
- Head to the Financial tab
- Tick Price Overrides > enter a Custom display price (excluding and/or including tax).
An artwork record with custom display prices added to the ex. tax/inc. tax fields will never show the automatic price labels pulled from an artwork's retail price, nor any custom labels added from the PrivateViews edit screen.
Custom labels
The Custom Display price label is particularly useful if you wish to add a unique label to your prices.
Changing this field will override the default text displayed after the price in reports, labels, offers and Private views etc. Examples could be adding text to display 'VAT import duty @ 5%', or '(margin sale)'.
- To force the system to display no text here, tick the checkbox and leave the field empty.
- To use the default values, keep this checkbox unticked.
Default text for individual tax statuses
(The default text for each tax status can be edited in Accounts > Value lists > Tax statuses - click the edit pencil icon for the appropriate tax status.)
Price ranges
While there is no specific function to add price ranges (eg £7,200.00 - £8,000.00) at the moment, there is a way to manually add price ranges to your artworks using the price overrides. However, there are some things to consider if you are doing this.
The below image shows an artwork record with a standard rated tax of 20% where the override display price label (what appears after the retail price) is turned on and with an additional price added. Depending on whether you choose to show exclusive or inclusive tax prices in presentations, PrivateViews, on your website, you will be able to adjust the 'Custom Display price label' accordingly.
Warning: When making a sale, you will need to ensure your artwork's financial price and tax settings are modified to ensure the retail price and tax settings are correct and that the overrides do not affect your invoice.
If you use an Artlogic website connected with your database, this is something that will work online too. However, make sure the artworks are not set to be sold online as the retail price will always be taken.
Price overrides and PrivateViews
Price Overrides give you the option to customise the display price of an item when presenting them in both PrivateViews links and in the app. Click here to learn more.
When to use each price override
- Override Display Price - to override an artwork's display price everywhere.
- Override Display Price Label - to include additional text when displaying a price. Can override this label within PrivateView links.
- Tax Status Label - to include tax-specific text when displaying a price. This will display everywhere.