Your homepage is often the first page that greets your visitors, so investing time into its content, layout and design can really make the difference in the visitor experience.
This guide introduces homepage features and settings for Version 2 Template Websites.
Homepage display settings
The general settings and layout options for your website landing page can be found in the settings section of your CMS.
You can access this section from the CMS by navigating to Settings > Settings and clicking on Homepage.
Some of the items that can be edited from this screen include:
Slideshow type allows you to select the layout you'd like for your homepage slideshow banner.
Slideshow pagination type allows you to choose between Dots, Numbers or Locations as a way for visitors to scroll between homepage slideshow images.
- If selecting Locations, you will be able to add a label to each slide by allocating a location record to an exhibition, which has been selected as Show on homepage. You can also add your labels manually from the Header Slideshow section of your home page edit screen (Pages > Home).
- If selecting Locations, you will be able to add a label to each slide by allocating a location record to an exhibition, which has been selected as Show on homepage. You can also add your labels manually from the Header Slideshow section of your home page edit screen (Pages > Home).
- Enable button backgrounds: This setting will add background colour to buttons on your slideshow.
- Splash screen. If enabled, the splash screen will be the first screen the users see when navigate to your website. This can be a great way to introduce your website when visitors first arrive at your site.
Add content to your Homepage
The content of your Homepage can be edited from your Homepage page screen, which can be accessed through your CMS by going to Pages > Home > Pencil edit icon
Here, you can edit items that appear on your homepage, including:
- Heading: This text will not be visible on the front end of the website, but it will be used for SEO purposes.
- Header slideshow images and Heading overlay text.
- Slideshow fallback image: The fallback image which will only be used in the event that there are no slideshow images are available, such as the transition period between exhibitions.
- Page layout type (either Standard or Select artwork grid to display grids of chosen artworks).
- Page content.
- Feature Panels, which will appear underneath any of the above items if they have been enabled.
- Page settings: You will be able to update the Navigation label from this section, as well as add a Description for the page, and Keywords that will be used for SEO purposes.
- Visibility settings: You will find the visibility menu on the right-hand side of your homepage. From this section, you will be able to make your homepage live, access your access control settings for the page (password or username protection) and choose whether to 'Show on navigation'.
Homepage examples
You can explore different homepage layout examples by browsing through our different template designs here.