Maximum image specifications
All database images must be a maximum of:
- 6000 x 6000px
- 15MB
- jpeg, jpg or png
We do not recommend that you use your Artlogic Database as an archive for your images, rather store these images elsewhere or contact us at about our high resolution storage add-on. This storage add-on allows for ai, bmp, psd, tif, tiff, mp3, mp4 file types.
Uploading the same image in different sizes
There is no need to upload the same image in multiple sizes - rather, use the largest image you have.
Your database will process your images to the correct size for your pdfs, Word documents, Private Views presentation pages, website, etc.
As these images will be used for documents that are a maximum size of A4/US Letter, or for web pages, or for your PrivateViews app, 72dpi should be sufficient. If you test these features with a different dpi/ppi and you feel that works better for your needs, please send us your feedback as we’re always interested in hearing about your experience with your database.