We can help you change your Artlogic Database name and show you where to make your own edits.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to change your Account ID. This is the section of your database URL after the forward-slash, for example:
This has to remain fixed as it was used to set up your account on our servers and generate your unique link for access to your database. Account IDs are generally for internal reference only, so this shouldn't be visible outside your organisation.
Confirm your new name to us
We are able to help with the way your company name displays within your system itself. Some areas where your name displays are only editable by our developers. In order for us to make this change please would you:
- Confirm your new name to us at support@artlogic.net.
- Tell us when you would like your name changed.
Once you have confirmed these details to us, our developers will be able to help you.
Where you need to make changes
You'll also need to edit a few additional areas to make sure they are up to date.
- Document Templates.
Database > Other > Admin > Core preferences - Template Library, particularly 'Courtesy' lines.
Database > Other > Template library - Core preferences.
Database > Other > Preferences > Core preferences - PrivateViews app display name.
privateviews.com/login > Manage > Account settings > Account Name